We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Well of course, having it be foiled by multilingual players is what makes it a bad suggestion. <3


Well the ideal would probably be to have an automatic translator translate it via a system where it picks one language that originated from a continent and then moves onto the next continent in a cycle until it reaches the continent of the user’s language again. As you increase your translation skill it skips over the first translation. Obviously there will be no forethought so once your skill goes high enough it will skip over the user’s language and finish on a language that the user has no business knowing, also we will need to invent a translator that can translate into and out of penguin…

Yo dawg, we heard you like zombies. So we put zombies in your zombies so you can fight zombies while you fight zombies… Pregnant zeds? The get bonus melee attacks with a tendency to grapple, and when you damage them, there is a chance that they get converted into normal zeds and spawn 1-5 infant zeds…
When you kill an ant queen, every single tile in the nest gets converted into ant-queen goop that slows the survivor and spawns an aggressive(or maybe it just wants a hug) infant ant.
When you kill a slime, any nearby slimes should immediately go to a nearby flower, pick it, drop it where the slime died, and then jiggle sullenly.
If two manhacks are in adjacent spaces, there should be a chance to spawn an infant manhack with an “oh my”.
If you read a story book, there should be a chance of spawning lions and tigers and bears.

Maximum derp.

Also, add an assistant class that spawns with a jumpsuit, shoes, backpack, oxygen mask, and a useless ID card.

Toolbox mandatory optional.

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:2604, topic:3101”]Maximum derp.

Also, add an assistant class that spawns with a jumpsuit, shoes, backpack, oxygen mask, and a useless ID card.

Toolbox mandatory optional.[/quote]
actualy its nearly like backpacker proffesion…

I’d say nix the backpack if it wasn’t standard assistant loadout.

Meanwhile I don’t even really PLAY Space Station 13, but still think it’d be funny to encourage players to kill zombies with a toolbox.

Ronin start? You only speak japanese and you’re wearing traditional garb and weaponry and know the 5 rings book style.

Streaker start, you start naked, in the middle of a sports stadium, with athlete zeds scattered around and a small band of police zeds nearby. There are a scattering of random zeds in the stands, but it wasn’t a big game or anything.
Speaking of, why have I never seen a stadium?

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:2606, topic:3101”]I’d say nix the backpack if it wasn’t standard assistant loadout.

Meanwhile I don’t even really PLAY Space Station 13, but still think it’d be funny to encourage players to kill zombies with a toolbox.[/quote]
or making mines from grenades and mousetraps

Per Long Standing Video Game Tradition, merely sinking ankle deep in water should be instantly fatal.

XD ^^^ this and add random “glitch out of the world” event that makes your character fall through the world and die. No way to prevent.

Grape soft drink(Tentacle brand) should spawn in vending machines. Purchasing one should spawn a shoggoth.

Add pots that can be borken for random items and have an absurdly high spawn rate and the game will be ready for triple A status!

Pots will be named “Zelda’s Clay Urns” Bonus points for all of gaming history!

“nuclear winter” world type where it’s always cold and cloudy no matter the season, and different seasons have different variations on radioactive weather you have to take cover from occasionally.

Plants won’t grow, and the forests and plants will gradually start dying off after the first year. Triffids and fungaloids will be fine though because reasons.

Artifacts are now radioactive and need special carriers now only spawn in anomalies or monster drops, where previously you could find them in the world. Anomalies, well, just plagiarize the stalker games there basically.

In order to grow anything you’d have to either build your own green units or find a military bunker that also had bunkhouses and living areas for troops as well as nuclear power generation and a hydroponics bay based on cold war era bunker tech. (With the catfish and the lights and the recycling and stuff, but updated to 2040 standards.)

Usually found underneath Air Bases, the bunkers would be in various states of disrepair and you’d have to have the knowhow and specialized materials and parts to fix it up, but you could eventually turn it into a self sufficient survival holdup. Maybe even employ your companions to take care of it while you’re away and build a survivor town underground there.

I’ve seen somewhere that someone suggested a ‘blind’ scenario. You being permanently blind and you’re only able to feel what’s on your tile. Kinda like net hack and blindfolds. You can only read things that are in Braille and have a rough description of what’s in your hand.

Ex: “A can of liquid” could be beer or soda or "a tin can of food."
Maybe when you consume the item you can tell what it is “This can tastes like alcohol.” Or “This can tastes like tomato paste.”

Things like meats and bones are identifiable due to smell and will be listed as default.
Perception is obviously going to be 0, you can’t craft until maybe a few points in fabrication to craft basic items. Forging of course is a no-go.

Player will primarily use sound and touch to navigate (monsters appear as approximate yellow ?'s on the screen. Stats through skills regarding perception is a no-go, disable perception being able to be raised, regarding other perception related mutations, could be OK since you can perceive things with other senses.

Maybe by use of clairvoyance artifact or some mutation you can gain the ability to “see”.
It could be something called “honed/enhanced senses” or “third eye”, etc.

Maybe you can use etched human skulls to give some kind of eldritch knowledge on perceiving things? (“You feel a strange power in this skull, you can see it despite the darkness and it whispers to you and promises to restore what was lost.”)

Maybe the arcana mod can go hand in hand with this and make some kind of headgear to restore sight to some degree using essences.

Anyway, once you obtain this supernatural sight, everything is normal (perception can be raised to 10-20) except there is no color, everything will be listed as “very dark” in crafting menu or at least “cloudy”. You may craft thing normally as you would and you are able to see night as if it was day (albeit colorless).

May add to this idea later.

(May include super cool blind swordsmen)

so much work put into “bad ideas and horrible suggestions.”

Such derp.

Hilarious, there’s a PR in the works to JSONize artifact properties (yaaaay) so one could implement something akin to that idea of arcana mod items being capable of such hilarity.

I don’t see why forging would be especially impossible. I mean, sure, you couldn’t feel your work, but you could go through practise runs with everything cool and then forge by memory… It would be like shooting blind, not actually likely to succeed, but more-or-less-vaguely-possible. The only thing that really stops blind people from driving is the high insurance costs, but the cata got all the insurance agencies, so that works too!

There should be insurance agencies scattered around the cities. There should be absolutely gutted buildings that offer insurance against the world ending and acts of the flying spaghetti monster. Then there should be fully functioning insurance agencies just hanging out with the zeds who offer comprehensive revival insurance amongst other plans, but if you read the fine print, or sign up, discover a small clause about eternal servitude and the immediate transfer of certain spiritual possessions… There should be a crowd of zeds gathered in the foyer feasting upon the repeatedly respawning receptionist…


Blind blacksmiths? Oh, that’s easy.
Who needs to see the colour of the metal to judge heat anymore when you have Braille-marked Metal Ingots? :smiley:
