We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Or a rod of lordly might? o3o

Immovable rods F.T.W.!

You activate the immovable rod.

The earth moves away from the immovable rod!

To the west you hear CLANG! “What the fuck was that?”

The earth together with the solar system revolves around the center of our galaxy at about 220 km per second.
I doubt “clang” would be what you would hear. Instantly disintegrating from friction heat sounds plausible though.

Booo. ;w;

The mechanics of the immovable rod is probably it locks itself in that point in the weave of the world, so as the world moves so does it but it wll not move from that point on the world till deactivated.

How about it affixes itself in the 7th dimension so it rips apart all of reality along with all planes of existence around it?

What about a wand of death?
Obtainable as an artifact, fire like a gun, instantly kills anything. Guaranteed !!FUN!! If you zap yourself.

How about a home-made flame-thrower with a realistic chance of covering yourself in flammable and likely irritating chemicals during its handling and operation and the ensuing hilarity of rubbing your eyes with your hands, irritating them, then rubbing them more because of the irritation, thus blinding yourself, then promptly falling on the lit fluid igniter and then clumsily staggering towards where you thought that stream was whiile covered in flames and completely blind. Oh, wait, did that migrate from “hilarious slapstick” to something else?

Already implemented. See:Simple flamethrower or Spraycans.

Plastic blocks- compact plastic where it is like lumps of steel but is instead for storing plastic like 8 chunks would = one block but one block would only consume 3 volume or something… also putting plastic sheets into mbr vests for poormans upgrade.

[quote=“Rot, post:2648, topic:3101”]What about a wand of death?
Obtainable as an artifact, fire like a gun, instantly kills anything. Guaranteed !!FUN!! If you zap yourself.[/quote]

I added something along those lines temporarily… I wanted an open space to play around with the console and adding a giant super cannon cannon was quicker than deleting trees.

XD and more fun. temporary god powers is always more fun than monotonous activity.

A gun mod that shaves the range down to the minimum, and adds explosive to the ammo effects. What is it? A barrel plug. o3o

sabotaged gun mod. Laugh as you equip that NPC you hate with a gun with dirt crammed in the end and tell him to shoot that zombie over there. Shenanigans ensue.

That was my first idea upon thinking it up, give it to an NPC and watch hilarity ensue. o3o

Given that NPCs are able to give you activated mininukes I don’t see a problem with this.

Exploding football vs exploding pea shooter. I see no reason that is not fair. We are not even repaying them in full.

If I gave it ALL the explosion-related ammo flags so it blows up repeatedly, would it be fair? X3

What part of:

makes you think that being able to pay them back in a more humerus fashion, would not be fair??!?!?!