We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

[quote=“Litppunk, post:2539, topic:3101”][quote=“Sehn Knight, post:2538, topic:3101”]Food not in a container will spawn insects and remove food if left on ground.

Just to annoy the food hoarders.[/quote]
giant ants, even if not previously ANYWHERE near the area will suddenly spawn when you look away and begin forming lines to take ALL the food. Any attempts to attack the ant workers, or take the food will result in giant ant soldiers to start coming from anthill you somehow never noticed. There will be many.[/quote]

After all the Ants are dead, that slime put you never notice has been spawning blobs this whole time, and your base is now over run.

[quote=“Litppunk, post:2539, topic:3101”][quote=“Sehn Knight, post:2538, topic:3101”]Food not in a container will spawn insects and remove food if left on ground.

Just to annoy the food hoarders.[/quote]
giant ants, even if not previously ANYWHERE near the area will suddenly spawn when you look away and begin forming lines to take ALL the food. Any attempts to attack the ant workers, or take the food will result in giant ant soldiers to start coming from anthill you somehow never noticed. There will be many.[/quote]
I, umm, I kind of really want this. I mean, there would presumably be balance tweaks, like maybe a scent rating for food and it would use existing nests first and otherwise be related to ant spawning cycles so there is a vague explanation and things that you can do to lower the odds, but making a giant mound of pastries and producing a giant line of ants is sort of awesome…

Yes. We shall eat all the things. :V

[quote=“RAM, post:2542, topic:3101”][quote=“Litppunk, post:2539, topic:3101”][quote=“Sehn Knight, post:2538, topic:3101”]Food not in a container will spawn insects and remove food if left on ground.

Just to annoy the food hoarders.[/quote]
giant ants, even if not previously ANYWHERE near the area will suddenly spawn when you look away and begin forming lines to take ALL the food. Any attempts to attack the ant workers, or take the food will result in giant ant soldiers to start coming from anthill you somehow never noticed. There will be many.[/quote]
I, umm, I kind of really want this. I mean, there would presumably be balance tweaks, like maybe a scent rating for food and it would use existing nests first and otherwise be related to ant spawning cycles so there is a vague explanation and things that you can do to lower the odds, but making a giant mound of pastries and producing a giant line of ants is sort of awesome…[/quote]

why hunt? just put some food in one place near ant hill and food come to you!

Yeah, but, ants have some pretty good techniques. Any given trap will get one ant at most, and it it were just a matter of having a ready supply of ant, you could just move-in next-door. Also, there should probably be some sort of morale debuff if you are in the presence of fifty tonnes of ant jerky and know that it will be the majority of your diet for the next twenty years…

well i have two lockers full of meat jerky out of coaguars, bears, wolves and mooses

lockers? Here would guess that amounts to like 48000 pieces or something…

Fractal zombie- Color:RED. The fractal zombie will when engage in combat continuosly make illusions of itself that are capable of damaging you… whenever you kill zombie or its illusions it flashes a bright light, and it likes to swap position with itself via stumbling.

Waste-cannon, it makes you hungry instead of using ammunition.

Gears of War-style underbarrel chainsaw attachment.

And Call of Duty style shotguns that have a range of 1 tile.

Nipple blades.

Slapmaster combat style, you slap zombies and npcs and blobs in the face, take their cash cards, show them their cash cards, give them back, and resume slapping them in the face

The oozie, a sub-machine gun that shoots glob.

[shadow=red,left][glow=red,2,300]nipple blade CBM[/glow][/shadow]

Don’t you mean Warhammer 40,000-style?

Don’t you mean Warhammer 40,000-style?[/quote]

I just want a chainsaw shotgun…

Bionic Udder CBM:

You can shoot super-pressurized milk at your targets.


Udders (Mutation)
You can get milk whenever you want.

rocket propelled chainsaws

and chainsaw arm cbm

because why not?

[quote=“Arek_PL, post:2559, topic:3101”]rocket propelled chainsaws

and chainsaw arm cbm

because why not?[/quote]

Considering we already have the fusion cannon arm, chainsaw arm is actually somewhat reasonable.

Also, chainsaw launcher–