Whelp, looks like someone has set us up that bomb.
A bomb.
Whelp, looks like someone has set us up that bomb.
A bomb.
…new suggestion: make the accuracy bonus of grenades increase to a disproportionate degree at closer ranges.
A bomb’s a bad choice for close range combat, you say?
Too bad. Waluigi Time.
C.B.M.: Fusion Blaster Head.
C.B.M.: Spinal Fusion Blaster.(two version, one shoots up and the other shoots down, both version replace the existing spine.)
A new action: Close observation, you can apply it to grass, three days will pass, hunger and dehydration will have progressed accordingly but the survivor gains a happy mood from watching grass grow.
Construction: Fusion Blaster Head. Sometimes found on military bases. You can sit on one for a “satisfying movement” mood and pull the chain to avoid a temporarily increased scent profile and gain a “job well done” mood. You can make them yourself out of a fusion blaster, solar, and battery C.B.M.s combined with some wood and a rope and built over a shallow pit, but there is a chance that a home-made one will provide the chain-pulling effect as a result of sitting on it, which is generally regarded as a bad thing. Alternatively, if you have a torso alloy plating C.B.M. and internal climate control C.B.M. then you may want to build the alternate version(fusion blaster bidet) that always triggers both effects from sitting on it and also provides a “polished seat” mood.
Yeah, dancing skill, allows you to pacify and become the leader of a passing Z horde. High level moves include the crotch grip, moonwalk and converting NPCs to fake girlfriend decoys in case you want to escape the party.
If you attempt dance moves on a zombie thriller troupe, you get the danceoff showdown of a lifetime.
Toilet Paper Dispenser CBM
Vehicle parts: Thunderstrike Charger & Tesla Coil.
In the top of your vehicle exists a lightning spike able to be grounded via a lightning safety line.
Via consumption of battery power you can generate an extremely positive electric field that will draw lightinings to your vehicle during stormy/rainy skies. These will be harmlessly grounded via the safety line. (deployed automatically before use)
Connecting a second line with the safety line from the spike and via a very heavy duty capacitor to the ground will result in the capacitor also charging when a lightining strike happens. With each strike the capacitor may be damaged, and trying to charge an already damaged capacitor will result in catastrophic explosion.
The million volt charge can be used via a coil to fry anything smaller than a hulk at distances up to 10m, but is usable only once before the capacitor needs to recharge.
The capacitor is so massive (500kg) that can only be used mounted on a vehicle, but the coil is portable. One can either mount it too, or connect it to the vehicle via an HD cable and use it as a weapon in hand. Such use will unfortunately fry the HD cable during use, also reducing the weapons effectiveness.
Delorean spawns : After achieving max speed you can activate the flux capacitor at the cost of plutonium. Refreshes the map with no man-made structures and only spawns creatures from the dino mod.
Spray-on clothing, because in the post-consumerist society, replacement is preferable to repair.
Can only die of falling from a ledge.
Can only die of falling from a ledge.[/quote]
Cant kill anyone, only deer
No map
World map has been disabled and you might get lost frequently.
[quote=“Sehn Knight, post:2533, topic:3101”]No map
World map has been disabled and you might get lost frequently.[/quote]
screen orientation will also occasionally spin 90 or even 180º to simulate your lack of orientation.
Option to lunch a nuke like you can missiles.
If you lunch of a nuke, your world auto deletes it’s self.
Children’s card games:
If you touch one then it adds nether creatures to all spawn lists.
If you have one in your possession, then the spawn rate of nether creatures is doubled.
If you activate one then it summons a nether creature that is immediately and persistently hostile to you.
If you fail to defeat the summoned nether creature, either by being incapacitated, surrendering, or fleeing, then your world is deleted.
The description reads “serious business”.
[quote=“RAM, post:2536, topic:3101”]Children’s card games:
If you touch one then it adds nether creatures to all spawn lists.
If you have one in your possession, then the spawn rate of nether creatures is doubled.
If you activate one then it summons a nether creature that is immediately and persistently hostile to you.
If you fail to defeat the summoned nether creature, either by being incapacitated, surrendering, or fleeing, then your world is deleted.
The description reads “serious business”.[/quote]
You Can only defeat this Creature viva a duel with a children’s card game.
Food not in a container will spawn insects and remove food if left on ground.
Just to annoy the food hoarders.
[quote=“Sehn Knight, post:2538, topic:3101”]Food not in a container will spawn insects and remove food if left on ground.
Just to annoy the food hoarders.[/quote]
giant ants, even if not previously ANYWHERE near the area will suddenly spawn when you look away and begin forming lines to take ALL the food. Any attempts to attack the ant workers, or take the food will result in giant ant soldiers to start coming from anthill you somehow never noticed. There will be many.
So essentialy my food atracts even more food? Get ready to become jerky!