Ah, but it isn’t a fundamentally FUBAR trait if it gives points to play. XP
Add new Class: Disney princess
Fungaloid Hulks
Add new Class: Disney princess[/quote]
Wow, so overpowered, imagine how easy it would be to get feathers for arrows, all the archer survivors would get this.
Disney Villain trait: If any children, dogs, cats, parrots, or anything else even remotely correlating to “cute” leaves your vision with its life intact, then you get a morale debuff that lasts for a season.
OH NO, Oh no, ohno… OH YEAAH
Once dual-wielding is implemented, we’ll be needing a Barbarian trait which allows you to dual-wield two-handed weapons.
Once dual-wielding is implemented we will need a materials update so that we can dual-wield our own vomit, on fire, with spikes.
On the topic of dual-wielding, I have heard that it is generally impractical, although I cannot help but suspect that it may have some uses in the field of suppression at range and distraction in melee. Of course dual-wielding would be nice for shields and gauntlets, which are somewhat more practical…
or to use your minigun and blooper at one time
Add new Class: Disney princess[/quote]
Wow, so overpowered, imagine how easy it would be to get feathers for arrows, all the archer survivors would get this.
Disney Villain trait: If any children, dogs, cats, parrots, or anything else even remotely correlating to “cute” leaves your vision with its life intact, then you get a morale debuff that lasts for a season.[/quote]
You can also get the birds and rats to do all your tailoring for you.
Here wonders if anyone ever like… said this one…
Talking dolls should activate if you go near one with a somewhat low chance of spawning ‘something’
Or a demonic Furby.
Implying there’s any other kind.
[quote=“Random_dragon, post:2511, topic:3101”]Or a demonic Furby.
Implying there’s any other kind.
here stills have one of them on a shelf somewhere…
stepping on tile with talking doll in it has small chance to:
a: instant death by slit throat.
b: heavy critical damage, bleeding and spawning of Evil Talking doll
c: injured leg, spawning of Evil talking doll
d: injured leg, destroyed Evil talking doll (often with knife you didn’t see before)
e: spawning of evil doll (It barely missed with a surprise lunge!) sudden pokemon fight music activates >insert ERMURGERD mashed referances fight<
f: you sprain your ankle tripping over the mutilated talking doll.
g: sudden appearance of pack of Evil talking dolls (including the one you walked on.)
h: doll just talks…and sings…loudly. -_- Who buys these obnoxious things anyways?
i: yea… all the other things that arn’t listed here
We need balloons. And balloon animals.
Tonight. You.
[quote=“Random_dragon, post:2514, topic:3101”]We need balloons. And balloon animals.
Tonight. You.
actualy nice idea, some target practice for laser weapons
military prototype: a cloaked humanoid with laser cannons surgically attached to its arms… someone went overboard and replaced the entire arm from the elbow down with the insane laser canons… unfortunately its mind is long gone and it seeks only to kill everything. requires per 15 to “see”
zombie military prototype: the thought of how the blob managed to get one of these terrifies you. you can only imagine it started eating rotted corpses or something in its frothing delerium… at least it doesn’t feel pain anymo…damit. Maybe its all in your head but it sure seems like without having to deal with insane amounts of pain 24/7 it looks like it might be MORE accurate than before. Not that you can see that of coarse, but the corpses indicate this is likely so. Curse the blob.
That idea reminds me. Add a set of power armor with twin machineguns and twin rocket launchers. And NPCs using them alongside other conventionally armed NPCs, in sewers are the occasional public-monument-turned-UNATCO-headquarters.
i wanted orange
i wanted orange[/quote]
fear the maintenance man
Now where that gep gun…
My vision is augmented.