We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

If you kill him, he gets back up immediately, points at you, goes WHATCHAGONNADO, and then proceed to kick your ass and finishes off with an atomic leg drop that vaporizes your head off.

Does it leave a radioactive cloud as per mininukes? IT SHOULD.

You-know-which soccer team zombies. All attacks are displayed as hits and appear to do maximum possible damage, up to and including them becoming corpses when such damage would defeat them. But they continue to behave as though they had taken the real damage value, including pursuing and attacking the player when displayed as an inactive corpse. If you ever react to them as though they were as damaged as they appear, such as attempting to smash the corpse, or reloading after they ā€˜dieā€™, then you get a red card and are stunned for ten minutes.

If you kill him, he gets back up immediately, points at you, goes WHATCHAGONNADO, and then proceed to kick your ass and finishes off with an atomic leg drop that vaporizes your head off.[/quote]

And add a silly-looking variant of sports headgear to his drop list. :V

BoomBoxes, for those times you wanna attract EVERY zombie on a loaded tileā€¦ and kill your ears

One assumes that boom boxes would be upgradeable with timed and/or remotely-detonated explosivesā€¦ Perhaps a craftable BOOMbox?

Zombified food and drink.

ā€œIt feels and sounds like something is gnawing at youā€¦ from inside of you. Oh dear.ā€

Billy Mays as a new joke enemy.

You reload your M4A1++

Blam! x5

Billy Mays has died!

From the south you hear ā€œBUT WAIT, THEREā€™S MORE!!!ā€

Zombie Jesus: Like a zombie necromancer, but if you donā€™t butcher or pulp the corpse, he automatically rises three days later as an even stronger version of his former self (the strength increases stack and continue indefinetely)

What next, zombie Elvis?

No wait, make him a netherworld faction monster for added hilarity, to add a God Hand referenceā€¦

ā€œIā€™m gettinā€™ hongry hombre!ā€

Zombified Taylor Swift
Drops (her own) body parts and occasionally moans ā€œShakeā€¦ itā€¦ offā€¦ā€

Zombified Hannibal Lecter
Has hidden traits: Gourmand, Cannibal.

Zombified Ozzy Osbourne
Leaves decapitated bat heads in his wake. If you see a severed bat head, youā€™ll know Ozzyā€™s around.

Zombified Lassie
Nearby Lassie is a wellā€¦ and a zombie child named Tim down there.

KITT from Knight Rider
A car with a snarky AI (removable vehicle part). Constantly comments your driving, equipment etc. Keeps calling you Michael, no matter what your name is. Cannot be turned off.

Tim ā€œThe Toolmanā€ Taylor
A unique zombie technician. Sometimes he arr-arr-arrs. Not too far from Al, a zombified lumberjack.

Trump tower
A unique building. Contains some zombies and one zombie that has orange hair. All loot in that building have the prefix ā€œTrumpā€. Trump circular saw. Trump crowbar. Trump butter knife. Etc. The building has a hidden basement, a vault, that can only be accessed by nuking the building. The vault holds an apparatus that can remove Trump prefixes from items.

30 second slow-scrolling ASCII ads on every autosave.

[quote=ā€œSlax, post:2291, topic:3101ā€]30 second slow-scrolling ASCII ads on every autosave.

Anyway,hereā€™s my idea:DayZ mode:low monsters spawn rate,high spawn rate of hostile NPCs with ā€œgrieferā€ personality which makes them attack people for no reason.Distance between towns becomes annoyingly long.You can switch public servers to respawn loot,monsters and NPCs.

[quote=ā€œRandom_dragon, post:2289, topic:3101ā€]What next, zombie Elvis?

No wait, make him a netherworld faction monster for added hilarity, to add a God Hand referenceā€¦

ā€œIā€™m gettinā€™ hongry hombre!ā€[/quote]
Zombie Rob Leifeld. Donā€™t even need a new zombie type, just copy elite grenadier and change the name and description.

Implying that isnā€™t the default personality of dynamic NPCs.

Zombie flasher: a normal zombie, but the only loot it ever drops is a trench-coat.

[quote=ā€œRandom_dragon, post:2289, topic:3101ā€]What next, zombie Elvis?

No wait, make him a netherworld faction monster for added hilarity, to add a God Hand referenceā€¦

ā€œIā€™m gettinā€™ hongry hombre!ā€[/quote]

That last line gave me an ideaā€¦ Hungry Pumkin as a nether creature.

He starts off neutral, tracking you from a great distance. When heā€™s close enough, heā€™ll start asking you for a list of random comestibles (and sometimes, not even) to eat. To appease him, you have to throw the things he asked for at him. But if you throw the wrong thing, heā€™ll flick it right back at you at incredible speedsā€¦ including bullets and other projectiles. Melee attacks are met with a slap powerful enough to send you flying.

If you give him enough of what he asked for, the Hungry Pumkin would merely despawn, and thatā€™s that. He also has a random chance of leaving if you piss him off instead, but if that doesnā€™t happen, heā€™ll demand for souls to consume and goes berserk. Once that happens, heā€™ll attack anything in sight, and will quickly devour any corpses nearby. Take care to eliminate him as soon as possible, as his meals not only heals him, but also increases his attack power and maximum health (to simulate him getting bigger).

Oh that is derp.

Random chance of axing yourself in the leg while chopping wood.
ā€œYour posture was all wrong! You accidentally get your x_axe stuck in your left leg.ā€
+30 pain. +20 shame.

The Terminator start. You have double points and gain the benefit of having used all of the maps at the start and donā€™t gain pain or morale changes from normal sources, but you start with zero equipment in a random location and receive a series of missions with no rewards and failing to complete them results in a steadily increasing morale penalty and eventually pain, which is reset if you complete a mission.

[quote=ā€œSlax, post:2298, topic:3101ā€]Random chance of axing yourself in the leg while chopping wood.
ā€œYour posture was all wrong! You accidentally get your x_axe stuck in your left leg.ā€
+30 pain. +20 shame.[/quote]
And if you chop wood with chainsaw,there is a chance to accidentally hit yourself in neck and start dying.Only special hospital machines could help.