We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Bad breath leads to NPCs avoiding you.

And dragonbreath leads to NPCs being delicious?

And bad dragon breath?

I’ll have you know dragons have very fresh breath. Just burn the halitosis away. XP

Either that went right over your head, or my mind is in the gutter.

Dare I even ask? :V

If you don’t know about bad dragon, don’t check.

Not penalizing you for giving good advice in the bad idea thread.

Oh derp. Now I remember. Damnit. XD

I want pet dragons in the game.

And then put it a leash. Not kinky though.

It would be funny if we added dragons as a monster though. We have all the gameplay traits needed, at least for the fiery sort of dragon. The flier and…I THINK fireproof is a flag, unsure. Plus a flamethrower special attack, and of course biting. X3

why not add difffernt colors like green and blue dragons, one spews out alot of electricity while the green one shoots acid

Ooh right, we have that.

Now if only we had ice-based attacks for an elemental ensemble.

An invisible dragon that has an invisible breath weapon.

You fall asleep
You hear a nearby sound
You’re on invisible fire
An unseen force tears your flesh
You’re bleeding!
You die!

Omnomnom. o3o

Integrate poschengband mechanics into DDA:
Hulks, brutes, masters and necromancers gain fire breath weapons and summoning. Summoning can summon other hulks, brutes, masters and necromancers
Unique, named zombies with health in thousands
Disenchantment - damages even power armor

Britain mode:
No guns spawn
No dedicated weapons spawn, only tools that can be used as weapons

Australia mode:
Like Britain mode, but with way more, way bigger spiders

Texas mode:
More guns, but also worse summers and giant brown recluse spiders.

^^^^^ Texan approved. With additonal condition that rural NPC spawns have higher chance of being extremely friendly and waving etc… but NPC’s that spawn near urban areas have high chance of being unbelievably rude, blaming you of basically everything for no reason, believing themselves better than you even when you are wearing full super awesome armor with a kill all the things weapon and WAY to many kills.

And ensure that any town not generated on a massive interstate highway is at the minimum size.

Also, when it does rain, your effective driving skill for the purpose of not swerving plummets. Because I swear, most people I’ve seen here don’t have a clue how to handle driving in the rain. XP

^^^ only affects NPC drivers once applicable. Once NPC’s are smart, they become retarded once more when driving in snow.