Not sure if this should really go here or in the CDDA Game Launcher thread. Nice to see the changes made in this recent update to the version that comes packaged with the launcher (mods/blazemod: fix shards
(metal fragments) weighing too much. mods/blazemod: fix dshards
(diamond fragment), too.). What is desperately needed though is for the main mod and for the version packaged with the launcher to delete the following from blaze_override.json:
"type": "construction",
"//": "Rest of vehicle construction done in the vehicle construction menu",
"category": "OTHER",
"description": "Start Vehicle Construction",
"difficulty": 0,
"time": 10,
"pre_special": "check_empty",
"post_special": "done_vehicle",
"components": [ [ [ "frame", 1 ], [ "hdframe", 1 ], [ "frame_wood", 1 ], [ "xlframe", 1 ], [ "frame_wood_light", 1 ], [ "foldwoodframe", 1 ], [ "foldframe", 1 ], [ "gloople", 1 ], [ "oozle", 1 ], [ "gray", 1 ], [ "diamondframe", 1 ] ] ]
This code causes a bug that makes beginning construction on a new vehicle require two frames both of which are consumed. Trying with just one frame consumes the frame and does not create a vehicle. Deleting it is of course simple but for those of us who use the launcher and update the game frequently we would have to go into the json and delete it again every update because whenever you update via the launcher the mods folder gets overwritten with the launchers version of the mods.
If I knew how to update the core mod in a way that would result in the launcher using that version I’d do it myself because it should be one of the simplest possible fixes, but I don’t know how to do that or if it requires the original author of blaze mod or possibly the author of the launcher to do so.