Something really wrong with vehicle turret crafting
Turret Mount:
AI core, gun operating system, identification module, sensor array, battery, RAM, power converter, pipes, springs, solder
Turret Control Unit:
AI core, gun operating system, identification module, sensor array, targeting module, robot driving unit, wires, solder
If turret mount is just a motorized pylon, why do it needs AI core and identification module? How can it work without wires? Why do it needs battery? It is powered by vehicle!
If turret control unit is just a targeting system, why do it needs additional gun operating system and sensor array? What is robot driving system for here?
Suggested recipes fix:
Turret Mount:
gun operating system, sensor array, battery, power converter, wires, pipes, springs, solder
Turret Control Unit:
AI core, identification module, targeting module, processor board, RAM, wires, solder