Tileset project

Hello there, fine gentlemen !
I traveled all the way from the German side of the Internet, just to bring you my contribution to this very project:

[size=8pt](Also notice the hidden morse code on the computer display, for it is THE ONLY morse code I know.)[/size]

If you DO like my work, i`ll create more tiles when I get to it.

Oh, that is awesome! I specially like the bookcase and the PC. By the way, i tought to make the trees like that other tileset, what was its name? Ok, i don’t remember it, but it had the trees like chopped at half, so it looked like they were even bigger.

The morse code means VZE… I guess it is an error. What is supposed to mean?
(Use: http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html)

[quote=“StopSignal, post:102, topic:2019”]The morse code means VZE… I guess it is an error. What is supposed to mean?
(Use: http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html)[/quote]
I believe its actually supposed to be SOS [… — …], but I could be wrong. He just couldn’t fit it all on one line.

(for it is THE ONLY morse code I know.) The code EVERYONE knows is, actually, SOS. Did not thought of that. ._.

How are you going?

Well, I haven’t been able to work on CBMs but they should still go up on Sunday (hopefully) My Saturday will be fun xD

What did you all think of the Triffid Heart? If you liked it I can break up my saturday by completing the Triffid dens section of the tileset

Since nobody commented about the Triffid heart I went ahead and made a few Triffid creatures

Young Triffid:

i think the triffids look pretty great, however i usually play classic zombies :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Samscale1, post:107, topic:2019”]Since nobody commented about the Triffid heart I went ahead and made a few Triffid creatures

Young Triffid:
Queen: [/quote]

This is nice, but they are supposed to have flowerbuds with stingers inside. They look good for trees, but for menacing enimes whom are heavily armored and threatening, we need something a bit more …terrifying.

Not take anything away from your wor or anything, the pictures look very nice if you were making trees!

they are supposed to have flowerbuds with stingers inside. They look good for trees, but for menacing enimes whom are heavily armored and threatening, we need something a bit more ...terrifying.

I get what you mean but flower buds and terrifying don’t often go well into the same description. I can give it a go I suppose. Ill let you know how I get on. CBMs should get finished tomorrow too. They’ll probably go up together

I like the triffids. I think the flower could be a nice addition - and it could help you distinguish them better, via different colors or something. From a gameplay perspective, I want to be able to tell at a quick glance whether it’s just a normal old triffid or a triffid queen I’m dealing with.

Good point.

A triffid?
It seems 16x16 is too small for a triffid.


It seems 16x16 is too small for a triffid.

It cant be any bigger. Then it wouldnt fit with the tileset or the game. All the tiles need to be the same size. also we’re using 15x15 :slight_smile:

So here are some of the CBMs theres waaay more than I thought.

Adamantium Claws
Aero Evaporator
Alarm System
Alloy Plating: Arms
’ ': Head
’ ': Legs
’ ': Torso
Battery System
Ill add more later

Also New triffids

I tried to base the new colouration around different leaves
Queen: Red: autumnal/older trees
Adult: Dark Green: Flourishing, but not too old
Child: Sickly greeny yellow: Starting out life, not to many nutrients
Also they all have stings now

When someone gets around to doing the jabberwock they should just make it a picture of death.

So…is this dead? lol

Better not be! We shall need tiles very soon :smiley:

I’ve got a copy of Day of the Triffids, in case anyone needs help visualizing them. Didn’t see the link for the Triffid Heart, FWIW. Sorry.

I like the 8 bit look :D.
And yeah the community will need the tiles VERY soon :wink: