The game's plan after reaching "0.C-9000"?

well i’ve been consistently checking the experimental build on jenkins site and it seems like the game is now halfway to reach build 9000. which is amazing for me.

but im curious, when we reach build 9000, is there gonna be big change to the game? i mean is there gonna be a big plan of updates for the game that will add new features along with bugfixes and QoL changes (called “Roadmap” for Steam indie games) ? because i believe that the game still has great potential for new features and ideas. especially in QoL changes like vehicle overhaul or Z-map expansion from the community. so the point is… what is the plan/updates we will see in build 9000?

Yeah, and what will Vegeta say when the scouter tells him about our patch level?

:neutral_face: Yeah, I’ll see myself out.

9001 and what did you imagine?

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We’re going to release 0.D in about a week, hopefully, and possibly reset the counter.

hmm no wonder a few post i see on forum is discussing about imminent stable release…

@Zhilkin : i imagine that 9000 and up the game will start focusing on fix and overhaul (QoL changes) and may add new features along the way. including long-requested features.

@mlangsdorf : ohh reset counter to “0.D -1” again?

@Mantar : didn’t think about that but good point :smile:

Take a look at for some of the top features we plan on working on for next release.


oohh so its already planned? i saw some fixes and overhaul on the projects there including Z-levels overhaul that some has discussed for long time.

how about that car “winching” mechanism?

I’m going to do flatbed carriers. I can only do one really complicated thing, I’d rather do flatbeds.

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Will it affect the launcher in any way.

ooh now that’s interesting… would love to see the result.

recently the forum is having some problem about skeletal juggernaut being too often to spawn now… is it intentional?