Temperature effects are way to ridiculous

Come on im getting numb from cold at 16 degrees celcius ingame?
In my irl room it’s 15 C atm and im sitting here in a T-Shirt.

If you are able to then download and build from the Git repository. TheDarklingWolf removed temperature in it since it is currently broken heh.

Yeah cold is crazy. You’re almost freezing at 60 F. That’s jeans and t-shirt weather. I think below 50 is when cold should start having penalties besides comfort, and if you’re moving they go away. then below 30 is when they’re still there while moving.

I think that your temperature should raise whenever you do anything physical. Moving around, fighting, etc should raise your temperate enough to keep you functioning even in the cold, and to make you be careful when it’s hot outside.

i got comfortable once, but i was wearing a sweater, a jacket AND a shirt.

This reminds me, a not perfectly fitting t-shirt, as of the latest windows version, has encumbrance level of 1…

I started a fire inside, I had on a gas mask and slept. I was awoke by burning to death. My limbs are destroyed and there are no roofs. I was stacked with horrible slowing effects. I moved 10 tiles in the rain while frozen because I had no clothing. I froze to death six tiles from first aid.

[quote=“iceball3, post:6, topic:304”]This reminds me, a not perfectly fitting t-shirt, as of the latest windows version, has encumbrance level of 1…
It’s either too tight, or too bulky.

They are very annoying, sleeping in a bed you’d think would provide warmth, but i just have a pile of clothing next to my bed for sleeping lol. Annoying to put them all on to sleep, but oh well i do feel like the stay puffed marshmallow man.

And this is why my temperature calculations should have been used, damn it! I SAID this would happen! :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe some kerosene/gasoline lamps or heaters to provide somewhat permanent comfortable temperature in rooms/building?
i dream about gasoline generators / solar panels, which provide electricity to the inside stuff like lighting, heaters, furnaces, and it works through z-levels (like solar panels on the surface and wires goes to the underground level)… maybe someday?

It will save on batteries…
perhaps rechargeable batteries? when the run out of charge you can pop them in something and soon get charged ones. perhaps a very small chance of small explosions…

[quote=“Danv, post:11, topic:304”]maybe some kerosene/gasoline lamps or heaters to provide somewhat permanent comfortable temperature in rooms/building?
i dream about gasoline generators / solar panels, which provide electricity to the inside stuff like lighting, heaters, furnaces, and it works through z-levels (like solar panels on the surface and wires goes to the underground level)… maybe someday?[/quote]Which really, should be just the be the car storage battery to be unloaded from your vehicle, so you could set up a stationary vehicular frame setup with a mounted solar panels on it and battery, to allow power generating. Alternatively, be able to charge storage batteries using a gasoline engine? Would be nifty to have hybrid cars/pre-charged cars for silent transit.

[quote=“The Darkling Wolf, post:8, topic:304”][quote=“iceball3, post:6, topic:304”]This reminds me, a not perfectly fitting t-shirt, as of the latest windows version, has encumbrance level of 1…
It’s either too tight, or too bulky.[/quote]…A bulky t-shirt?
Again, wut.
Even incredibly loose shirts you wouldn’t expect to encumber unless they felll beneath your feet.

Temperature is crazy busted in 0.2. It’s 66F, and it’s impossible to sleep due to cold.

I’m wearing, for reference:
jeans, t-shirt, 2 pairs of cargo pants, army pants, pants, wool poncho, two pairs of socks, a sweater, two dust masks, a suit, glove liners, light gloves, winter gloves, winter boots, long underwear, a fur hat, a winter coat, a scarf, a gas mask, and a pair of ski pants. I’m not even sure how I put all of this stuff on but apparently I’m still too cold to sleep.

Are you using an old character template or save?

Haha I love this game :smiley:

I’m using an older template, yeah. Would that cause the problem? I also noticed that I can basically stay awake forever with it without penalty.

Templates from older versions will cause your player to have incorrect temperature data, such as always being too cold to sleep.

Sure enough, as soon as I made a character without the old template I was able to sleep without the cold thing. Thanks for letting me know about that!

I can see people catching on fire from overexertion in inclement weather. so, stick it ingame :smiley:

Nah, but seriously I don’t know why but no matter how many clothes I stick on it still says cold. Thankfully making hats and mocassins out of wolf pelts are pretty damn warm. Kinda sad wool allergy makes you allergic to anything made of pelts, or so I hear.