Strings totally locked down for 0.C, any estimates for translation completion?

Hi all, you may be aware that we’re rapidly closing in on the 0.C release. I just pushed what will hopefully be the last set of string changes for 0.C and I’m hoping to hear back from you all on the state of translations. What I’m trying to decide is when to cut the release, we want to include as many complete translations as possible, but waiting too long will jam up development.
To put it a different way, which translations will be complete (or at least a state you’re ok with) within a week? Faster would be awesome, but I’m the one that isn’t coordinating properly here, so I’m not going to hand you a crazy deadline.

German was complete before you pushed the latest update. Now I am waiting for Transifex to update for the last few strings so I can translate these as well.

I will post a translation of the MOTD an credits draft here:

Here is the current translation of your draft MOTD:


Hauptfunktionen in v0.C ?????: * Monster kämpfen gegeneinander. * Überarbeitetes Zielen. * Verbesserte Geschützturmsteuerung. * Kleidungsmodifikationen. * Zahlreiche Töpfe, Sprengstoffe, Metalgüter, Kleidungen und Nahrung können angefertigt werden. * Neues Aktionsmenü, um Gegenstände auszulösen. * Verbessertes Schichten- und Belastungssystem (für Kleidung). * Enorme Geschwindigkeitsverbesserungen bei vielen nahen Gegenständen. * Abwärtskompatibilität mit Spielständen von 0.A und 0.B.

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Im Spiel kannst du die Einstellungen über das Hilfemenü (?2) aufrufen.

If in a hurry, you may replace “???” above with the release name; I assume it won’t break German grammar unless it’s something like “$§&%&/$§§$”. :wink:
But please leave the rest intact.
I will complain if something went wrong anyways. :wink:


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Pull Request on GitHub: Translate 0.C MOTD and credits into German by Wuzzy2 · Pull Request #11484 · CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA · GitHub

I’m working on argentinian translation, I’m about half way there.
But I don’t think I will finish it before august, september…

Okay, German is 100% ready now. MOTD and credits are already in, Transifex strings wait to be merged. :slight_smile:

Damn, I thought they were in already. Not hearing much response I went ahead and hit release, I’ll do an update as soon as I can to pull in the new strings, and that of course goes for every other language as well.

PR’ed Russian MOTD and credits update.

All major languages pushed #11496 with motd and credits. Others too outdated.

Valiant, Use transifex, Luke. I pushed some of your strings to Russian.

My bad, totally forgot about sections in Transifex.

could we create a 0.C series in launchpad?

I’m bundling the translations from transifex now, and waiting on my launchpad download link to appear shakes fist

I’ve merged the updated .mo files into the archives, the Chinese translations from launchpad and everything else from Transifex.
Please check my work.

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Windows terminal.