Stamina and running mod

Each turn send to run/swim/walk takes 15/25/7 + (15/25/7 * % wieght load) STA.
Melee reduce STA to 20 + (weapow wieght (kg) * 0.1)
Player walk with +40 move cost
Player run with up to -10 move cost or % of move cost if STA > 25%
Player run with up to +40 move cost if STA < 25%
Player melee attack with up to 50 move cost if STA < 25%
Each turn restore STA to 10.
Losing stamina rising running skill (no use focus)
Run/walk can switch with key. You must bind it (?1). Action name is “switch_run”.
Trowing and firing from bow reduce STA
- trowing reduce STA]

  • running make more noice
  • melee defence reduce STA (?)
  • debug place of STA indicator
  • Running “skill”
  • Player has 600 stamina (STA) + 100 * running skill.

Добавление выносливости и возможности бегать/ходить.
Игрок начинает с выносливостью(STA) 800 + 100 * навык бега
Каждый ход потраченный на бег/ходьбу/плаванье забирает 15/25/7 + (15/25/7 * % нагрузки (переносимый вес / макс.вес) ) STA соответственно
Ближний бой уменьшает STA на 20 + (вес оружия (кг) * 0,1)
Ходьба медленнее на 40 очков движения.
Бег быстрее до 10 очков / % , если STA > 25%. (Бонус уменьшается от 10 до 0 в зависимости от уровня усталости)
Бег медленнее до 40 очков, если STA < 25%. (Чем больше усталость, тем медленнее)
Атаки ближнего боя занимают до +50 очков движения, если STA < 25%.
Каждый ход восстанавливает 10 STA независимо от того, что делается.
Пореря выносливости качает навык бега
Чтобы включить бег надо сначала назначить для него кнопку в опциях управления (?1). Название действия “switch_run”. Оно недалеко от начала списка.

You sure that those stats are balanced?


Is this a mod or an idea? I don’t see nothing more, not even links. EDIT: I see it now.

No, but i play some time. Test it and say how to do better.

A pretty cool idea, will probably help test soonish!

I’m a little wary about having stamina limit walking. Also, if running is being implemented, this should be accompanied by balance changes to all monsters and creatures in the game. Like, you’re not supposed to be able to outrun a Zombie Dog or Zombie Bear, etc.

Yeah… I don’t think walking would have too much of a effect on your stamina.

Why? Explain.

Why? Explain.[/quote]
Try walking.
It’s not really that tiring.

To be honest, I think it would be more around the 1-3 mark, rather then 7.

If I read correctly, you spend 7 stamina to walk, but you also gain 10 stamina just from the nature of the stamina system. It looks like you only lose stamina when you are loaded at roughly 50% or higher of your carry weight, and even then it only falls in the 1-4 stamina range. I might suggest tweaking that so that you only lose stamina while walking when you are overburdened, and take away the pain caused from being overburdened.

Try walking. It's not really that tiring.
Yes. WALKING - it's not tiring. Walking give +3 stamina / turn (without load). But it also give penalty +40 move cost to all land types. (~140 speed of classic zombie). If you WALK (with wounds and/or load) - zombies ate you. Running - is tiring. You must bind key to action "switch_run". If you press it - you must gain message "You run".

[quote=“Reaper, post:10, topic:6470”]

Try walking. It’s not really that tiring.

Yes. WALKING - it’s not tiring. Walking give +3 stamina / turn (without load). But it gain penalty +40 move cost to all land types. (~140 speed of classic zombie). If you walk (with wounds and/or load) - zombies ate you.
Running - is tiring. You may bind key to action “switch_run”. If you press it - you must gain message “You run”.[/quote]
Each turn send to run/swim/walk takes 15/25/7 + (15/25/7 * % weight load) STA.
Sorry if I’m reading this wrong, but it seems like you have it so walking drains stamina slightly.
Although it does say that each turn gives you 10 stamina back, but it seems slightly weird that you added a stamina drain for walking when it’s negated pretty much immediately.

Yes. Walking some restore stamina, if player don’t carry more ~50% of max load. In general you may run, walk and rest, and run again. If do walking to tiring it’s be do hardcore in fighting, i think.
I do something like say him:

Yes. Walking some restore stamina, if player don’t carry more ~50% of max load. In general you may run, walk and rest, and run again. If do walking to tiring it’s be do hardcore in fighting, i think.
I do something like say him:[/quote]

This totally makes sense. When I said I was wary about this up-thread, I was just worried that it might be something that proves to be tedious. I think most players carry > 50% of their max carrying weight. There’s a thin line between adding realism that improves the gameplay, and realism that hurts it. This might improve it, but we’d have to be careful about how it’s implemented.

Good idea though!

If player like to carry many items - him may do stops in way like real outdoorsman and drop items for melee fight. It add need to some plan payload.
Test it and write what you thing about it.

So, in the TODO list, you said something about “melee defense” consuming stamina. What exactly will that entail? Just blocking with weapons/martial arts? Or will that also include dodging, or something else?

I think doodge, block, counterstrikes (defence)…may be i forgot something. Block -4; doodge -8; counterstrike - as attack, for example.

OK, I’ve got some objections.

+40 move cost for walking is gonna require overhauling everyone in the game; at the moment, things are calibrated for characters moving at a jogging pace.

Melee defenses are not player-chosen. Dinging the char for each block/dodge attempt will severely add up (and make fighting more than one hostile vastly more dangerous: tougher to withdraw!)

I’m not sure how movement speed affects handling things you’ve Grabbed. Could I run with the shopping cart to push it faster?

From what I’m reading, non-player critters would not have stamina. Since there is a more or less unlimited supply of tireless critters, this implementation would significantly nerf melee fighters.

All in all, this is WIP territory. Definitely what the playerbase wants, long term, but not yet ready IMO.

it’s looking promising, toggling run mode was very much the interface I had in mind for controlling speed. in the future we might even want to have an extra few modes, like crawl(stealth)/walk/run/sprint.

I can’t say anything about the particular numbers, I’ll have to playtest a bit too. I can say the intent I had for running was to slightly increase player move rate when running and significantly decrease it when walking, so the player is moving slower than almost all zombies when walking. (crawling zombies should still be slower I think, as should sludge crawlers). On the other hand, we might consider moving some or all of pain’s speed penalty to draining fatigue instead, which would make that balance point of ‘if you get hurt you can’t get away’ a bit more friendly.

As for involuntary actions fatiguing the player, a simple fix is to disable them below some threshold once you’re too tired, ideally you break off combat before that happens, but cessation of blocks/dodges (with messages to that effect) is a clear indication that you need to withdraw.

Making fighting groups of enemies vastly more dangerous is something we very much want to happen, so that’s not a problem.

Running (and walking) while pushing/dragging should factor in the weight of the vehicle, and therefore sap your stamina faster. currently we count vehicle weight as having 1/5 the impact of carried items, that’s a decent starting point.

Creatures will generally be tireless compared to the player, for zombies this is WAI, but maybe for regular animals we should give the option of running them down, IMO that can be handled seperately though.

'Bout them NPCs…

Stamina/Endurance/Fatigue does indeed need to be a thing.
Slashing down horde after horde with a heavy blade really should take something out of you.