[SPOILERS] Your Base

Looks like #4 has got the most support… kinda a pain in my butt to begin with but we’ll make this work. I’ll leave the poll open to see if there is a giant shift.

I made a couple of modifications to make it a bit easier to work with. As suggested by _Fuji, I pushed all but one wall to the edge of the 24x24 om tile to give more walking room. I also dropped a bunch of crates around the starting/leader tent. These crates are guaranteed to have been implemented before any NPC sorting occurs, so one will be food, one tools, one clothing, etc and are very close to both a fire pit and an eventual water source. While you could use the kitchen, it is kinda assumed you’d use the outside pit due to crafting distance.

It getting built:

The buildings are all pulled from jsons which gives me a lot more freedom than what I started with on the commune but I’m currently trying to figure out how to move your newly promoted overseer to a specific point on the map. The problem is that all of these buildings are based on the NPC’s coordinates, not the players, so what I need to do is move your NPC to a fixed point on the map that I can reference. I think I need to convert the om tile’s 0,0 position to a relative tripoint in the player’s field of view coordinates… from there I can just add the x and y offsets to drop the NPC on the position.