Serums than can be used on pets

I just had the thought that it would be neat (if unethical) to be able to inject pets with special serums to make them more combat effective. Would make horses a lot cooler if you could massively boost their strength/health and make them immune to fear. Maybe even give them natural armor.

Given the extreme unethicality as you point out, I’m not that excited to add it.
Also, unless you somehow find a working mutagen or serum recipe that’s been perfected for use on a particular species, you’d be gambling with it going extremely wrong up to and including just killing the poor thing.

Good idea but dev dont like it so :frowning:

What if they were zombies. More ethical? Or ehh

Moose naturally evolves into tusked moose and darter moose. Horse should also be able to go similary way without human interference. The question is, if they can still be tamed after they mutate.

Murder, cannibalism, false imprisonment and human experimentation are all in the game or it’s lore. I don’t see how ethical behaviour is a driving force behind the game design. It’s also not a real animal.

An addition like this would add an actual reason to collect animals other than RP and provide more depth to gameplay.

TBF, he said “not that excited”, not “against” the addition. If you want to, you can implement it yourself, but there are problems to think:

  • Mutations specific to the targeted species
  • Risks your pet getting horrible side effects, even dying
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