Science labs, now with actual cloning

Which is why you should invest more Chunks of Meat, probably some Purifier, and if you’re really that amoral, some chunks of Human Meat* in the process! Cheap cloning done Quick ain’t never gonna be Good!

*If you’re looking for human-type resources, they shouldn’t come much better…

The meat is purely there to make up the body, so skimping on that would result in your clone coming out sans an arm or two.

[quote=“The Darkling Wolf, post:42, topic:811”]The meat is purely there to make up the body, so skimping on that would result in your clone coming out sans an arm or two.[/quote]Add too much and the clone comes out with cancerous growths/malignant tumors?

[font=impact]How about this? Watch “6th day” for the cloning system I have in mind-ish.

Enter a “Cloning Lab”
Find-(fix)-(reprogram)-Refuel Cloning machine[/font]

[font=impact]Finding a working one means “Muscle men” can use it.
Finding a broken one means Mechanics feel special.
Finding a secure/deprogrammed one means Smarties aren’t neglected. Either hack\reprogram.
Maybe include a “Cloning disc” for the latter. It automatically reprograms the CM (solving one problem) but doesn’t hack it (leaving smarties feel…smart.)

All of these have there own pitfalls, bar “Perfect working order”
All faults can mess up and release all clones, ruining the facility for a long time\permanently.
Mechanics can be shocked and fry the circuits/them. They now need to reprogram as well.
Programmers can mess up and make a common fault among all clones.
Security can spawn turrets(like asploding the front door.)[/font]

[font=impact]Begin “registration”

Find “scanner chair” in the same room[/font]

[font=impact]Again this is in perfect-repair-reprogram conditions
Glitches kill instantly[/font]

[font=impact]>Sit in “Scanner chair”

Scanner implants “Brain computer” automatically (Think plug-heads from the matrix)
Chair downloads current brain data (skills and stuff for a CBM free Cloning)[/font]

[font=impact]This eliminates any surgery for dim characters.
It would also allow for easy downloads of skills for the clones.[/font]

[font=impact]Begin generation or template conditioning.

Machine now starts Creating-conditioning-programming-readying the clone template[/font]

[font=impact]Templates are DNA free bodies.
The machine can be empty\damaged-stocked-filled-conditioned with templates
Each takes more supplies to refuel.
Create a new template then condition it for environments[/font]

[font=impact]>Fuel the machine with biomass

wait and add fuel as necessary


load more memory into it regularly (at a cost of something (shit ton of batteries?))
find a CBM:Memory data disk for auto logging.

Benefits of each build.

Mechs can put CMBs into the cloning machine to install the into the next Clone.
Sci-guys can tweak stats (Too powerful IMO) or clean all mutations (not add them mind you)
Super smart guys can clean certain mutations
Dumb characters get nothing good because this is a mechanical and scientific process…they know how to deal with science not make it.[/font]

I’m thinking the information from your brain would take up a large amount of storage. More then should be currently mobile. Probably several rooms worth of server farms to say the least. I’m more a fan of using a chair or some other machine to upload a snap shot of your brain. The quality of the clone you receive could be affected by several variables. One of the ways to get better at cloning might be to raid other labs for various
Basic Cloning: Basic cloning involves creating a fetus of stems cells with your DNA. Failures could create mutations, degradations of stats, or even be fatal. High success would mainly just keep errors out. This cloning is the most basic form and it takes time for the clone to mature. Massive amounts of nutrients are required to feed the clone while it’s maturing.

Findable in non cloning labs: (This ties in well with my lab themes suggestion)

Human DNA Study: The human DNA study would give you a road map and would help you understand and repair any errors that creep into your clone. At the higher end this could also allow modification of traits. This also could allow gathering samples of human DNA to harvest traits to adjust yours. (this is known as genetic engineering) This could reduce errors in your cloning. Taking time to study your own DNA could allow you to reduce errors further. Studying could allow you to identify your traits/mutations within the DNA in question and attempt to remove them.

DNA Merging Research: A study on how to merge DNAs from different creatures. This is difficult and requires a complex study of the subjects DNA. Over time one should be able to identify various traits in the DNA. Once a traits is identified, merging it into another DNA could would take a massive amount of lab and computer work.

Genetic Engineering Research: This involve taking specific traits from one set of DNA and implementing it in another. This would require studying both DNAs quiet a bit and should be excessive time consuming. Failure could result in the obvious list of things.

Nah, it should totally be possible to fit all the information in a brain in a relatively portable state. A brain’s information normally fits in something the size and mass of a brain, so presuming it is possible to extract that information, there’s no need for ‘several rooms worth of server farms’. After all, this is the future, and storage has presumably increased along with everything else. I’d expect, in particular, that a CBM designed to copy and store your brain state information could be used as part of the cloning process to restore your skills.

You’re forgetting something critical about how the brain works:

A lot of the information isn’t actually stored in the brain, but rather on the brain; or rather, encoded in the physical structure of the brain, which brain cells connect to which, etc.

Storing all that information in a linear, homogenous format would increase its bulk, probably significantly.

I can’t find anything specific relating to information density (except some estimates in the exabyte range), but I’m guessing on the order of several hundred gigabytes per cubic centimeter, with a guessed lower bound of 50~ GB per cc.

There might of course be a lot of points of commonality that can reduce the amount of information that actually needs to be stored, and it would likely compress well, but yeah, nothing portable, for sure.

GURPS was thinking somewhere between 10-100 TB for human brain capacity, but that was 3d edition so there’s probably newer research. Bio-Tech did point out that the hyper-smart character’s brain was the size of a swimming pool, though. (Said character was a one-off sentient tree that the school field trip could tour.)

Cata is based in 2050 isn’t it?

That should be plenty of time for data storage improvement.

[font=impact]I agree. The CBM in my post is a data sender only…Sending new data constantly back to the lab.[/font]

The quality of the clone you receive could be affected by several variables.

[font=impact]I reckon it should be accessible to all types of chars but not easy by any means.
Finding “Upgrades” for the process is cool IMO[/font]

[b]Basic Cloning[/b]:

[font=impact]Yes! More uses for the fetus!

The rest

[font=impact]I like it! Support

I don’t know if external links are allowed, but here’s a report >

It states 2.2 PETABYTES of data per gram of dna. this is 2013. that tech would be available by 2030, no telling in 2050.

storage at this point is moot I suppose.

[quote=“Williham, post:47, topic:811”]You’re forgetting something critical about how the brain works:

A lot of the information isn’t actually stored in the brain, but rather on the brain; or rather, encoded in the physical structure of the brain, which brain cells connect to which, etc.

Storing all that information in a linear, homogenous format would increase its bulk, probably significantly.

I can’t find anything specific relating to information density (except some estimates in the exabyte range), but I’m guessing on the order of several hundred gigabytes per cubic centimeter, with a guessed lower bound of 50~ GB per cc.

There might of course be a lot of points of commonality that can reduce the amount of information that actually needs to be stored, and it would likely compress well, but yeah, nothing portable, for sure.[/quote]

I’m a Cognitive Science major. I’m quite familiar with the complexity of the problem; there’s all kinds of subtleties involved that make the idea of mind-scanning inordinately complex. Even reading that kind of data is a pretty significant challenge, since the nature of the brain as an interconnected system makes interpreting it as a simple linear data stream an incoherent notion; the data itself is in the connections, not simply the current firing state of the neurons. A linear arrangement of the data would, accordingly, require a massive amount of storage space, since for each neuron, you need loads of data involving current state and connectivity weights with all the neurons to which it is linked.

My point, however, was that there is in fact a way to get all that data stored into a lightweight and compact size, since that’s how it is actually done in nature. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’ll be storable in the same formats as our current technology allows for (current storage methods are ludicrously space-inefficient compared to, say, DNA), but future technology will certainly be vastly more space-efficient than current harddrives. If you had a bionic mind-scanning system that compressed a brain-state’s worth of information down to a solid DNA crystal, said crystal would be vastly smaller and more lightweight than the original brain. I’ll take your lower bound and up you by 4 orders of magnitude; if there were 50 terabytes of data per cc, then at 1450 cc per average brain, that’s 7.2 petabytes of brain data. Which fits neatly into a 4 gram crystal, with room to spare; the crystal itself would be vastly smaller than the protective carrying case you’d want to ensure the data remains intact and uncorrupted. Even if you added on another 4 orders of magnitude for the lulz, it’d still be portable; a four kilogram crystal would still be able to fit into a portable carrying case for transport.

Provided you’re able to figure out how to do brain-scanning at all, storage is the least of your worries.

So in the end portability will be determined by whatever the current storage technology is. I think there is enough for an argument either way. Which basically means it’d end up being for whoever was designing the system to decide how they wanted to do it. There are MMOs that use this concept doing either way. Fallen Earth uses a clone collar to constantly transmit updates. There is an older sci fi mmo whose name escapes me at the time where you had to go to a terminal and update your current save. We could always argue that a machine capable of reading the crystal you wanted to refer too would be too large to be portable. :stuck_out_tongue: But anyway, like I said, I’m up for whoever making the system to decide.

[font=impact]Yeah but video games.

Or at very least Goo.

These are the same labs that took to alternate universes…
These are the same labs that cared naught for laws and ethics…
These are the same labs that made spoiler guns…
These are the same labs that have fetus’ laying around them…

Who cares about science?
We only need SCIENCE![/font]

[font=impact]That is why I say BrainScannerChair and CBM for constant updates.

Sit in chair for initial upload and storage. (In a server farm or whatever, we don’t even need to see it…Just say goo did it.)
Then have a wireless data transfer CBM If you can find one.
Or keep coming back to the chair[/font]

TheRealTenman, that font is unreadable…

Why does this forum keep attracting people who like to use custom fonts?

Because of the guy who uses a STALKER image and uses that really fine font…He started it.

I know…I chose the wrong font to use religiously.
Now I don’t even get the option ;_;

It should Depend on the ingredient quality

Using human meat,alpha and medical serum, purifier serum,different kinds of organs,blob and even a lot of your own blood should lead to a neat perfect clone

Shoving half decomposed biomass with basically what is fecal matter and fish meat would turn you into a walking fetus

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You know this is an immensely long-dead topic, right?
Surprisingly, I never weighed in on it, this is pretty much never going to happen.

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But could we half clone ourselves to eat our own fetuses and malformed limbs?