This relates to both tilesets so far (those by Deon and SirHoder), so I thought it’d be better to create a single thread instead of posting in their respective ones.
After playing for those two for a good while I’m finding that the raw text representation is still better for a simple reason: clarity.
In the text version every element (background tiles, items, mobs, etc) is clearly isolated and identified at a simple glance. I’m finding myself in many situations where that’s not the case in either tileset. I’m aware that learning what is what in each one is part of the problem, but even after successfully climbing that small learning curve I’ve found that the issue remains.
If you don’t mind, here are some suggestions that would help to improve the visual clarity of both tielsets:
Separate the color palettes for both static elements (background tiles, buildings, etc) and “active” elements (mobs, items, etc). Ideally, more primary colors should be used for the latter. That would make them stand out more.
Provide a black outline for mobs, be it partial or total. This would help making them stand out even further.
More clear differentiations between mobs. Not only in shape, but also in coloring. Right now, most mobs of the same class (such as zombies, or dogs, wolves and cougars) are mostly the same. Or, more exactly, they look mostly the same unless you pay particular attention. Which brings us back to the problem of clarity.
I’m aware that this would need a total rework of most tiles and, heck, the authors may not even agree, so I don’t expect this will be taken in consideration. But I hope anyone planning on creating a new one does, as it would make tilesets equal or even superior to text in almost all aspects.