PK's Rebalancing Unofficial patch

i’m insulted, i just get sick of having to burn down every forest inside the reality bubble because ONE FUCKING SPORE spawned somewhere and i missed it.

easy, pfft as if that’s what i want, i only disable things that can cripple game performance for the most part.


“id”: “mon_spore”,
“type”: “MONSTER”,
“name”: “spore cloud”,
“description”: “A mass of spores the size of a balled fist, wafting around in the air.”,
“default_faction”: “fungus”,
“species”: [ “FUNGUS” ],
“diff”: 1,
“volume”: “750 ml”,
“weight”: 1000,
“hp”: 4,
“speed”: 100,
“material”: [ “veggy” ],
“symbol”: “o”,
“color”: “light_gray”,
“aggression”: -50,
“morale”: 75,
“melee_cut”: 0,
“dodge”: 2,
“harvest”: “exempt”,
“special_attacks”: [ [ “PLANT”, 100 ] ],
“death_function”: [ “DISINTEGRATE” ],
“upgrades”: { “half_life”: 10, “into”: “mon_fungaloid” },

This is the entry for fungal spores from monsters.json. Change the 100 to a 0 and you should be good to go for 99% reduction in fungal spread. Of course…this means they won’t despawn, they’ll evolve into fungaloids eventually. so change that too if you want. slap the new entry into a blank json in PK’s pack, add your override flags if those are still a thing… I’m about 80% sure this will work 100%.

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You’re welcome. I think you’ll find any criticism will get more traction if it were constructive. All you’ve got there is an obscure whine with no suggestions for improvement. The cursing probably doesn’t help your case either.

I don’t see why the patch in the mods folder shouldn’t work, if any files error, just delete those, you only need the modinfo file with the monster blacklist and the overmap specials one realistically for it to work properly.

With the latest versions of the game, I keep getting error messages when loading an old save with this mod enabled or starting a new character in a fresh world.

The first few are about flare ammo, and are easily fixed as described here.

Pretty minor, and not the reason I’m here for. After that though, there’s a long series of game-breaking errors all about invalid overmap terrain IDs. Here’s the first one:

DEBUG : invalid overmap terrain id “cabin_strange_north”

FUNCTION : int_id generic_factory::convert(const string_id&, const int_id&) const [with T = oter_t]
FILE : src/generic_factory.h
LINE : 384

As always, tested using the latest version of the mod from github.

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Affected overmap terrains should be made rotatable.

It was a bit more complex and a pain, it took a while to do, but the mod works again!, updated!


i wish this mod included into the main game… i love it.

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Is pk rebalance working with the new version??

The one downloaded through the launcher works well, even with the crap ton of mods I have installed.

Can you tell me where to download it?

When you download and open the launcher, go to the mods tab in the upper left and download the PK’s version there. Cheers.

ive been trying to make a new world with pk for a long time with no success for android version. anyone can explain why everytime it loads pk it crashes the game? using 0.D android version

You gotta give more details than that. A crash log, anything. Android is a lotta versions behind and PK’s (until last night) worked just fine.

P.S. Here’s fixed versions of the vehicles to add hubs to them.

i apologize. the game just goes back to the home screen of my phone. this has been recurring since cooper release for me. any idea? i really wanna play with pk mod. help a brother out. please. let me see if i can find the crash log

If I had to guess in a vacuum, I’d say you’re using the newest version of PK’s on old version of Cata and some change has been made in the meantime to make them not compatible. This is not an unlikely scenario, the game can change a lot in just a few builds.

give me a few minutes ill post it.

now it freezes the game and i cannot find any crash log. using latest version in git.hub. sad face. let me try the link you gave me, brb. thank you

edit: same issue i copied and replaced the vehicle folder, just freezes the game. may i know the directory again for the crash logs to appear just to be sure i am on the right folder?

I’m not at my pc right now (having a burger downtown). But I can tell you where to find an old version of pks from a week or two before 0.D came out that you could try.
Search for my wandering updater thread and scroll all the way to the last message I posted there. I zipped up my entire installation and it’s got pks in it. That is more likely to work with android than the newest version. I’ve no idea if it will work, ymmv.

Good luck.

sad, cant upload debug. log here. anyways, thanks i will try that. just finished a burger my self.

edit: forgot to mention, im using stable release of 0.D for android