PK's Rebalancing Unofficial patch

it’s possible the no freeze mod has not been updated to reflect vanilla potato changes, PK rebalancing doesn’t actually touch them other than the potato’s ID in a couple of recipes previously not being the same as the newer one in vanilla, which I fixed.

DEBUG : In overmap special “Triffid Grove”, no location is defined for point [0,0,-2] or the overall special.

FUNCTION : void overmap_special::check() const
FILE : src/overmap.cpp
LINE : 984


To Creeperus
If you delete lines 294 and 295 (at irrated_potato and potato) of “pk _recipe.json” and replace them with [“potato_raw”, 1], the error will not occur.
Although it is first aid.

I’d like to play with pks but I worry it’ll cause the world to break and become unstable. It’s there a remedy?

Doesn’t break the game often if you download the most current version of pk when you update the game. But as always, back up your save. I always do that when I update the game. Game breaking bugs are common on experimental even without pk.

Is the consolidated cata++ and rebalancing spawnlist sub-mod up to date? if not any plans to update it in the future?

I don’t personally use the mod, but in theory you shouldn’t need it if Cata++ does spawn lists the smart way and has override turned to false like I’ve set it up to be more compatible.
I have however aimed to clean up the spawn list on PK’s so that other mod’s spawns will appear /more often/ as the current system likely decreases the likelihood.

The way I updated this a while ago should ensure it’s all compatible.

There seems to be an incompatibility with the new roofing system, when generating an evac shelter many of the the new roof structures will not be there and instead there’ll be a hole in the ceiling.

EDIT: if it was unclear i am talking about an incompatibility with standard unstable rather than cata++

fixed that, it wasn’t all shelters, it was just one particular arrangement that comes with the barn nearby

i’m really not sure, but i believe this mod may be an interactor in the problems i’ve been having with the no fungal mod, here is the github issue:

You can make a patch yourself if you like, just remove all fungal things from pk_regional_overlay.json
I’m not sure why you’d want triffids not to spawn, they’re not fungal and don’t spread like fungals do, they’re useful for unlimited vegetable matter for cooking and plant fiber from the stalks so you never run out of thread.

pk_spawnlist_triffgus.json too, you figure it out, the mod isn’t intended for playing with removing things, so you’ll probably see fungal ants or zombies even with the no fungus mod occasionally unless you purge it all.

Unfortunately you can’t expect a mod that makes the game harder to also cater to things you’ve done that make it easier.

I’d make a patch, but I have little time to maintain the mod as is.

Hey dissociativity, just tried to run the game with the latest experimental and got the following message. Thank you again for maintaining this amazing mod!

DEBUG : Error: data/mods//PKs_Rebalancing-master/PKs_Rebalancing-master//pk_map_furniture.json: line 4:21: missing mandatory member “description”

“type”: “furniture”,
“id”: “f_spike”,
“name”: “hooked spike”,
“symbol”: “J”,
“color”: “ltgray”,

FUNCTION : bool main_menu::load_character_tab()
FILE : src/main_menu.cpp
LINE : 977

I got that same error, so I tried to fix it according to the error log.
Simply added the “description” in the json file data/mods//PKs_Rebalancing-master/PKs_Rebalancing-master//pk_map_furniture.
Then the game tells me that I need to add description to EVERY GOD DAMN file in PKs mod !

Yeah i reverted back to version 9111, which is right before the mandatory descriptions. Works fine.

working on it, fairly busy but I’ve at least progressed a bit in fixing all these new changes up


Alright, seems to work fine now!

Hey dissociativity, tried to run the game with the latest experimental (9120) and got the following message.

DEBUG : Error: data/mods//PKs_Rebalancing-master//pk_map_terrain.json: line 4:32: missing mandatory member “description”

“type”: “terrain”,
“id”: “t_improvised_fence”,
“name”: “makeshift fence”,
“symbol”: “_”,
“color”: “brown”,

FUNCTION : bool main_menu::new_character_tab()
FILE : src/main_menu.cpp
LINE : 709

apologies, looks like I missed some
just pushed a commit to fix that

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And hello again x)

DEBUG : Error: data/mods//PKs_Rebalancing-master//pk_map_terrain.json: line 40:3: missing mandatory member “description”

"examine_action": "water_source"

“type”: “terrain”,

FUNCTION : bool main_menu::new_character_tab()
FILE : src/main_menu.cpp
LINE : 811

oops, I missed one, fixed now

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