Pixel's Various Fuckery

I use the mod myself for latest, it works fine as is. be sure to fetch the newest version, just to be safe i uploaded my working file of pix item in again but yeah, give it a try now and see if that solves it

Nope. Still not working. I specifically even did a fresh install, and I am still getting the same error :confused:

I removed every other Mod, blank install, with the latest experimental. I even specifically just downloaded the Item json and tried to overwrite but…

DEBUG : Error: Json error: C:/Users/User/Desktop/Roguelike Games/Catapult/dda/userdata/mods/pixels_fuckery/pix_item.json:229:26: missing mandatory member “comestible_type”

    "type": "COMESTIBLE",
    "id": "Lootbox_fruit",
    "category": "other",
    "name": { "str": "shelled fruit" },

FUNCTION : new_character_tab
FILE : D:\a\Cataclysm-DDA\Cataclysm-DDA\src\main_menu.cpp
LINE : 946
VERSION : fc2b611

I am using Catapult for my stuff, but that should not be an issue should it?

no, the launcher shouldnt be related at all,i checked the file and its really weird it doesnt works on your side. i will ask some experts to see if i can find a solution, why its throwing a error, which i hoped i fixed long ago already. il hope to find a solution before sunday

Okay! Seems that after totally deleting the whole Catapult Launcher, and reinstalling everything, now the error no longer appears. It seems like somthing was still lingering in catapult or something despite deleting, overwriting, and all that. :confused:

thanks for letting me know. i didnt know that catapult does such a thing to begin with! all is good then! :sweat_smile:

I got a good few of these error messages as I was getting ready to create a new character, I am on the latest stable CDDA version (as of writing this) 0.F-3 and have not seen yet if these actually break anything in game. I am using a few other mods, but only those included with the base game and extended freeform.

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This Mod is intended to work on Latest Experimental at the moment. the Next stable will hopefully soon arrive and the mod will work with that said stable if you arent planning to go experimental.

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