[Obsolete] Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring

2017-04-01: Mod was integrated into core (see https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/20270).

Mod description:

This mod is an extension to vanilla DDA, some mods bundled with it and also for several third-party mods. With this mod enabled you won’t need to reload your sewing tools with threads/fiber/sinews anymore when crafting textile items - just have it available in your possession (inventory or nearby).

List of included sub-mods (vanilla):

[ul][li]Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring + Arcana and Magic Item[/li]
[li]Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring + More Craftables[/li]
[li]Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring + Medieval and Historic Content[/li]
[li]Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring + More Survival Tools[/li]
[li]Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring + Necromancy[/li][/ul]

List of included sub-mods (third-party):

[ul][li]Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring + C:DDA Extra Professions & Gears by Marte[/li]
[li]Crafting Overhaul: Tailoring + Cataclysm++ by Noctifier[/li][/ul]

List of known issues in latest version:

[ul][li]Sewing tools still need to be loaded with thread for repairing clothes;[/li]
[li]Sewing tools still need to be loaded with thread for modifying clothes;[/li]
[li]Sewing tools still need to be loaded with thread for crafting non-modified recipes;[/li]
[li]Disassembling some cloth items can give you sinews.[/li][/ul]

Changelog and download links:

2016-12-18 - Release where thread charges was restored for all sewing tools - Latest version

[ul][li]Restored thread charges for all sewing tools, so they can modify textile items now. Thread charges also will be used in repairing and crafting textile items from non-modified recipes.[/li][/ul]

2016-12-17 - Release where sewing tools can repair textile items

[ul][li]Removed charges_per_use from vanilla sewing tools, so they can repair textile items now (without using threads though).[/li][/ul]

2016-12-16 - Release with third-party sub-mods

[ul][li]Removed thread charges from 5 vanilla items (bone needle, curved needle, wooden needle, sewing kit and tailor’s kit);[/li]
[li]Added sub-mods which change 23 recipes from 2 third-party mods to use new qualities and threads from inventory;[/li]
[li]New sewing tool (sewing machine) with sewing quality of 2 is necessary for crafting high-level gear in one of third-party mods.[/li][/ul]

2016-12-15 - Release with sub-mods

[ul][li]Updated version info;[/li]
[li]Fixed rag recipe;[/li]
[li]Added sub-mods which change 11 recipes from 5 mods bundled with vanilla DDA to use new qualities and threads from inventory.[/li][/ul]

2016-12-14 - Initial Release

[ul][li]Added new tool qualities (sewing and knitting);[/li]
[li]Removed thread charges from 5 vanilla items (bone needle, curved needle, wooden needle, sewing kit and tailor’s kit);[/li]
[li]Added new tool qualities to 6 vanilla items (bone needle, curved needle, wooden needle, sewing kit, tailor’s kit and knitting needles);[/li]
[li]Added new sewing tool (sewing machine) with sewing quality of 2;[/li]
[li]Updated vanilla tailoring item group with additional items (sewing machine and knitting needles);[/li]
[li]Updated 390 recipes from vanilla DDA to use new qualities and threads from inventory.[/li][/ul]


This looks amazing. No more constant interuptions in my crafting to reload my tailors kits. If only the same thing could be done for batteries.

Very nice. Well done!

As described I don’t see any reason to keep the old functionality, we can just switch trailering to use your item definitions.
Is thete a reason you think this should stay as a mid?+

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:4, topic:13138”]As described I don’t see any reason to keep the old functionality, we can just switch trailering to use your item definitions.
Is thete a reason you think this should stay as a mid?+[/quote]
I personally would like to see improvements to the crafting system of CDDA somewhere in the future. My current approach is that every recipe should have following types of requirements: skills, attribute, tools and components. The latter should be the only mandatory requirement. All tool requirements should be defined through tool qualities only and not explicitly through certain tool items. It should be possible to define material requirements through item or item groups.

Also current behavior of tool ammunition (threads, batteries and fuel) is not my favorite - player character need to either have multiple charged tools in their possession or reload constantly. This is especially irritating when trying batch crafting. I believe reloading of sewing kit with threads or soldering iron with batteries is a part of crafting activity, which should not be a separate on-screen action.

From my point of view, aforementioned points could provide a game with a better level of abstraction than current one, so I started with this mod treating it as a proof of concept which will get some feedback from CDDA community before moving further.

Anyway I have no objections if master branch recipes will be updated with new definitions. My only fear is that I did most of the changes manually and mod is not ready to be merged in its current state… -_-

Using build 6051 and the most recent copy of the mod I’ve discovered a bug. Currently I can not (a)ctivate my sewing kit to repair clothing because it has no charges, I also can’t ®eload my sewing kit, it says sewing kits can not be reloaded.

Edit: Tailors kits have the same issue.

[quote=“proxiehunter, post:6, topic:13138”]Using build 6051 and the most recent copy of the mod I’ve discovered a bug. Currently I can not (a)ctivate my sewing kit to repair clothing because it has no charges, I also can’t ®eload my sewing kit, it says sewing kits can not be reloaded.

Edit: Tailors kits have the same issue.[/quote]
I’ve updated the mod with version where all sewing tools can repair textile (though without using threads). I might reconsider adding thread charges back to sewing tools, so they will be used during textile repair and clothes modification, if I won’t find any better solution.

Using of thread charges required for modifying clothes is hard-coded, so I’ve decided to put thread charges back for all sewing items in this mod. This will allow to modify items using tailor’s kit/sewing machine, return thread usage when repairing textile and also provide backward compatibility for all non-modified recipes.

[quote=“Zhilkin, post:7, topic:13138”][quote=“proxiehunter, post:6, topic:13138”]Using build 6051 and the most recent copy of the mod I’ve discovered a bug. Currently I can not (a)ctivate my sewing kit to repair clothing because it has no charges, I also can’t ®eload my sewing kit, it says sewing kits can not be reloaded.

Edit: Tailors kits have the same issue.[/quote]
I’ve updated the mod with version where all sewing tools can repair textile (though without using threads). I might reconsider adding thread charges back to sewing tools, so they will be used during textile repair and clothes modification, if I won’t find any better solution.

Using of thread charges required for modifying clothes is hard-coded, so I’ve decided to put thread charges back for all sewing items in this mod. This will allow to modify items using tailor’s kit/sewing machine, return thread usage when repairing textile and also provide backward compatibility for all non-modified recipes.[/quote]

Functional, but with the unintended side effect that now you need a kit that’s loaded to make repairs with and loose thread in your inventory to make new equipment. When all my thread was in my kit for repairs and modifications it wouldn’t recognize that I had thread to make new gear with. Not sure there’s going to be a way around this with the current base code of the game.

2017-02-14: Currently trying to integrate mod into core (see https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/20270).

DoesnT work with the latest experimental :_(

Probably because the game already does this now. Last I checked, crafting items draw charges from inventory now.

2017-04-01: Integrated into core (see https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/20270).