Music Volume option. Ingame Sounds and Music right around the corner?

Hello I recently tried out the experimental build and noticed there is a option for music and sound. I know I have been waiting for this for a long time and many of my fellow cataclysm DDA players have as well.

So, is it truly right around the corner? or is the option just to make us cry longer?

It’s there.

Sorry? when I start up the game I don’t hear anything :frowning: Is something wrong with my game do I need to enable something?

Sound support is in, but a lot of the actual sound/music still needs to be coded to actually play at the right times.

Ah I see, So where could I go to experience this music? Because ive played quite a few games and have no once heard a peep from the game.

Or is it completely lacking Sounds? Because that’s the main thing my thread was about, I already knew there was sound support and an option

Sorry if my first post was a bit vague

We need to sort out distribution. We were packaging the music files in the source repo, and that ended up overflowing the hard drive on our hard working build bot.
Until we sort something out, you can download these:

Into the data/sound/ directory of your install.
The file soundset.json is a simple playlist type thingy you can add more music to, though no guarantees about supporting a ton of formats.

As for more complex environmental stuff, we don’t have anything added yet.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:6, topic:6135”]We need to sort out distribution. We were packaging the music files in the source repo, and that ended up overflowing the hard drive on our hard working build bot.
Until we sort something out, you can download these:

Into the data/sound/ directory of your install.
The file soundset.json is a simple playlist type thingy you can add more music to, though no guarantees about supporting a ton of formats.

As for more complex environmental stuff, we don’t have anything added yet.[/quote]

Thanks you guys are awesome I cant wait to see what they do :slight_smile:

Wow, who made those? They sound really cool and atmospheric.

The music sounds awesome guys, never imagined such vivid music for a deathly wasteland

IIRC they were from the winner of a “Music for Cataclysm” competition we had a while back. You could probably find the thread if you go digging for it.

There’s a whole album worth where that came from, just need to sort out distribution.
Also the config should have an entry that makes it scan for any files in the sounds folder so you can just drop things in and have them play.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:11, topic:6135”]There’s a whole album worth where that came from, just need to sort out distribution.
Also the config should have an entry that makes it scan for any files in the sounds folder so you can just drop things in and have them play.[/quote]

Guessing things didn’t pan out :frowning: