ever been to a slime pit?
Again what is the blob? the moment you put in the game I’m going to figure out how to kill it
I don’t care if it can one hit kill me, I don’t care that its the size of the largest observable object in space.
Also this “tiny effort” was oppening portals all over the place, allowing other things to come in (like triffids and fungus) that is when humanity is overwhelmed.
All this again, the blob supposedly can do that yet it doesn’t, it supposedly intelligent yet it doesn’t display any degree of intelligence, and the mutagen is nothing more than humanity using the blob as a resource, if cremation was standard and every carcass was nothing but bones left what would it have done then?, squashed humanity with its supposed “powers” why doesn’t it do that then?, why bother with the zombies, if you are this super being, and don’t give me that crap of “the blob’s mind, is unknowable its far beyond human comprehension” that is just an excuse to not admit your creation is very dumb (in the intelligence sense, not design sense)
The blob has a lot of cool tricks in lore but nothing in game-play, unless you just say “its invincible the moment you see it you are dead” at which point how good is that for storytelling? the old boring invincible enemy.
Another example if I’m playing a tabletop wargame, and the lore says “this is Drak Edge supreme, he is the best that ever was, he once killed mega cyber dragons by sneezing!” and in gameplay he sucks and loses to even the most basic unit it gives me the impression that mister “Drak Edge” wrote that bit of lore himself to hype himself up, which is what the C: DDA lore feels like.
Like the blob is writing a fanfic about how its this cool super being that can crush anything and is omnipresent and is soooo smart, you can’t even get how smart it is.
I guess that is what people mean when they say the blob is intelligent, it writes fan fic.