iOS Version

well ive given up on an android port :stuck_out_tongue:

So I have bit the bullet and I am using my bros linx 7 tablet it has windows 10 on it he is bringing it up later I shall let you all know how it runs I so hope it runs ok :(.

I love CDDA and it would I think rape every game on the android market if it was to be put on there.

But yep linx 7 and cdda goodness here i come :slight_smile:

How complicated would it be to run in that scenario? Does it require developer/programmer type knowledge? Iā€™m still planning on buying an iPad, but if I knew how to get it running on a non-iOS device then I would possibly reconsider. But every time Iā€™ve asked the question about what would be involved Iā€™ve had replies which I donā€™t understand!

Also, presumably you would need to use some kind of Bluetooth keyboard (which would also no doubt help on the iOS version too) with your setup, is that right?

This game is amazing though, so much depth, which the vast majority of App Store and Play Store games simply donā€™t have, because most people donā€™t to have to concentrate for more than a few minutes at a time.

I still think the app should cost a small fee or have some in-app purchases (although I hate those), in order to support the authorā€™s efforts and hopefully encourage updates. Or at the very least there should be a ā€œdonateā€ button. When I buy the app Iā€™ll certainly buy the sound pack (even though Iā€™ll play with the sound off usually), but $1 or whatever it is doesnā€™t seem enough for what you get.

yep i did try to compile it for android a while ago I had a lot of peeps helping but I still failed due to my incompetance LOL.

OK so I have tested it on a linx 7 and its ok tbh i need to tweak some stuff to increase performance but so far its ok.

Would still love it on android though so so much and yes a BT keyboard would b a must I have one waiting for when some one takes on th challange of an android build lOL :slight_smile:

Yeah I hear the word ā€œcompileā€ and thatā€™s me done. Iā€™m sure someone will attempt another Android port at some point though.

yeah im confident it will be ported at some point to :slight_smile:

would be so awesome though if we had daily android builds along side the windows,linux etc builds :open_mouth:

Sure would!

For those of you who play it on iOS, do you find it playable on an iPhone?

When I was in the Apple Store I looked at screenshots of app on various devices to try to get an idea of how the game would look/play.

The iPod Touch isnā€™t a possibility because the only iPod version that can play it is the latest model which has a small screen.

Obviously any iPad can play it nicely screen-size wise, although even the Mini is pretty big.

For the iPhone, it looks like the iPhone 6S, with its bigger screen, is the only iPhone that could play it without things being too cramped. Is that right? I could pick up an iPhone instead of an iPad but they are incredibly expensive by comparison.

ive got me a note 3 a big screen for a phone tbh

im waiting for the day CDDA is on android :wink:
i have a BT keyboard any ways cant wait

Yeah thatā€™s another reason why an Android version would be great - more choice of screen size. If Apple had a device which was somewhere between an iPhone 6S and an iPad Mini in size then that would be perfect. Ah well, think Iā€™ll stick with going for an iPad Mini for now and wait/hope for Android in the future.

[quote=ā€œWIndburns, post:79, topic:10551ā€]The only explanation I could come up with, is the internal damage to my iPad from dropping it without a protective case.

Did you try playing with the settings? There are options like software mode, turning weather animations off etc which might a big difference in performance.

[quote=ā€œianpwilliams, post:90, topic:10551ā€][quote=ā€œWIndburns, post:79, topic:10551ā€]The only explanation I could come up with, is the internal damage to my iPad from dropping it without a protective case.

Did you try playing with the settings? There are options like software mode, turning weather animations off etc which might a big difference in performance.[/quote]

Havenā€™t, does your play run fine under default settings with your iPad?

Yes it does, although I bought a secondhand iPad Mini 4 in the end, which is quite powerful.

I would definitely try software mode (on PC software mode usually makes a big difference Iā€™ve found), and turning off weather animations etc.

Question for the author - would it be possible to have the option of changing the size of the d pad and other controls (as far as I can tell this is not an option right now)? I find the d pad etc quite small, and with all that screen space it would be great to have the option to make them bigger. In fact you could even have the option to move the controls around as well, and have the option of moving the d pad next to the other controls in the bottom right corner so that you could do everything with one hand more easily.

Yes, I will add a feature to adjust UIā€™s position and size, as this feature is already implemented in my current working project. With some minor modifications it could be added in C:DDA iOS.

Besides, I am playing with the ReplayKit introduced in iOS 9 in my current working project. It is pretty fun because you can record your gameplay or Letā€™s Play right on your iPhone/iPad. So this will be added, too.

Finally, the auto-detection of BT keyboard will become an option, as some players reported problems about it.


Great stuff!

Iā€™ve switched from the iPad to the plus size iphone now, and I think that is a great size for this game. And I certainly think that it would be great to be able to move the d pad to the right hand side, making things quicker control-wise.

Do you think it would be possible to have another zoom level on the iOS version? Iā€™m using Mshock64 modded, but obviously the tiles will be small on any iPhone. An extra zoom level would reduce the FOV, but that wouldnā€™t matter so much when indoors.

Hi, I am wondering if there is any possibility to add controller support to iOS version?

Is the update which will allow moving the dpad coming soon? Iā€™d be happy to test if needed.

Two issues I found with the IOS Version:

External Keyboard detection is really, REALLY faulty. Despite the fact that I donā€™t use an external keyboard, it keeps detecting that I have one and disabling all the controls.

NPCs keep running away from me after I complete their quests. I kill a Zombie Mom or a Jabberwock and the NPC starts running away from me at full speed, forcing me to use the debug menu to teleport his ass to me.

Is this dead?