I'm confused about the Exodii

It might be an interesting piece of Exodii lore that they did this and the consequences that resulted. Would explain why they don’t want to do it again.

  • Shane

It depends on how much they know about the functionality of the technology they use. If they know enough they can figure out that using it on an “uncontaminated” dimension would release an invasion, and so refrain from doing it (both for the sake of the victims and their own, as Erk pointed out, so you don’t even have to involve morals here).
After all, lots of humans are capable of realizing that some actions would have negative consequences, and thus refrain from performing them without actually first verifying that it was a really bad idea.

I don’t think it’d be hard to figure out, our own dimension gets invaded because we started opening portals to neighboring dimensions. This weakens the barriers around our dimension, allowing the blob to punch its way in.

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A question a bit out of place, so with the addition of the exodii it means that we can go to Bolber to see some things that were eliminated from the game such as the modicication of belt feed adapter or objects like that? I understand that it was eliminated because it was It is illogical that we could create those with the level of knowledge of the character, so when reading all this some hope arose with all that of the exodii, although its elimination still seems illogical for that reason since it is not entirely impossible that a person in the current era build a modification like this, it is not usually done more than nothing for legal problems and the fact that it is not something commercially profitable, but once these limitations are removed thanks to the cataclysm I think it is quite possible to create them with the right knowledge and specialized tools for precise jobs

PS: I know it is something a bit out of place, but I was using that modification in the playstore version but it disappeared when it was updated to the new stable version so I was curious to know that

The Exodii and lore seem comically silly better suited for one of the mods that aren’t concerned with logic and realism.

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What’s illogical are there?

The most basic concept seems too have been:

What if the player faction was the most succesfull it could possibly be?

And that is how you end up with transdimentional scrappers that use thier own produced tech (seems too be a few decades ahead of modern tech especially in regards to robots). While picking through the bones of dead civilazations hoarding any advanced tech or worthy survivors they come across or components that they themselves can´t produce. Also, knowledge and entertainment since it isn´t really worth for them too produce these themselves than too just pick them up from former civilazations.

And they are all cyborgs. Both as a way too survive the horrors of the apocalypse by becoming and creating mechenical monsters of their own creations. And they can use brains and nervous systeems as very advanced (super)computers which I think is very clever.

Which part is silly? Just saying it is doesn’t give us anything to go on, either to improve things or explain why they are they way they are.

i think everyone is just dumbfounded that the solution to “bionic implants are just barely out of the scope of the game’s technology level” was

OKAY GUYS SO CHECK IT, we got these interdimensional human cyborg portal travelling hyperadvanced people who are actually the exact same humans as you but bro, they’re like from another universe and they came to just hang out and chillax and sell CBMs to you after fighting their very own blob by making themselves all into cyborg robot people, bro!

personally i like the exodii as a concept, but as a solution to the above it’s about 12 times too heavy handed and, ironically, even less directly sensical than handwaved CBMs.


They aren’t that though, the Exodii were a solidly defined faction months before CBMs were added to them.

People that have no idea what they’re talking about have been pushing this narrative, but it’s simply wrong.


I’m down with the Exodii and the Cybernetics merge. More so I’m interested to see where this will go and how it will evolve.

To further Kevin’s response, the exodii are “survivors, like you, who have lasted longer”. That was basically the tagline for the concept. along the way, while discussing lore problems with cbms and deciding to make them non-native tech to fix issues with the timeline, it occurred to me that the proposed exodii faction was a logical choice for who might have imported them.

It’s worth clarifying that they’re not hyperadvanced, and they’re not here to chillax. They’re another survivor faction, and pretty much every aspect of how they’re written makes sense if you picture them as a cdda player faction that has survived long enough to figure out basically how to work xedra portal technology.