How old are Cataclysm: DDA players?

Like, ones as awesome as the Epic of Gilgamesh?[/quote]
yes, but with more furries and dragon stabbing.

i am 12 right now but turn 13 in march.

28 here too.
Never cared much about the age, you can die literally any moment.

Your chances of dying increase with age mortal.

And to hell with them.

[quote=“Valpo, post:31, topic:8853”][quote=“TinHeadDays, post:30, topic:8853”]It’s strange why somebody would post how old DDA players are, and they’re gender…
I suspect zerg-rush of spambots… But this could just be paranoia.[/quote]

Call conspiracy cat. He can surely help you.[/quote]
Sorry for being so late to this I rarely come up here.
So here it is: He fishing for info that much is obvious, but for what reason?
OP is actually some kind of alien from the nether realm, they’re trying to cause a RL cataclysm and poking for our ages and other info in order to see how likely we would be prepared and how seriously we would likely be taken if we try warning others.

And of course colluding with the illuminati, however Their involvement is to try and bring about a super mutant army so they can betray the nether creatures and rule them as well.

My age is about 8000

Oh god, how did you uncover my dastardly scheme?!?!

Seriously though, no malicious intent, and no cause for paranoia.
Just a stat junkie who plays too much cataclysm.

Damn conspiracy cat is a bit older then me.

Only a bit :stuck_out_tongue:
I am immortal, I am Godlier than God.
[size=1pt]Also age may or may not have measured in days so may not actually be older…[/size]

[quote=“chimpdroid, post:67, topic:8853”]Oh god, how did you uncover my dastardly scheme?!?!

Seriously though, no malicious intent, and no cause for paranoia.
Just a stat junkie who plays too much cataclysm.[/quote]
Sure, SUuure, they always say that but never mean it…

What’s up with these age groups? 15-18? I’d’ve thought 14-17 would be good… It may not seem like it but there is a pretty big gap between 18 and 15.

Happy birthday :slight_smile:

All teen to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh, it doesn’t really matter. I did turn 18 about two weeks ago.

Woah, really? I thought you were early 20s at least! Neat.

Same to you!

[quote=“Closet Pankin, post:73, topic:8853”]Meh, it doesn’t really matter. I did turn 18 about two weeks ago.

Woah, really? I thought you were early 20s at least! Neat.

Same to you![/quote]
I’m just less assholish then your average bear. I remember on the says forums, back when I was on them, there was a guy who had everyone dead convinced he was a 30 year old man with a degree in medieval history. He was 11. Anyway, ages are weird mate, I honestly hate the people I deal with day to day, as the amount of time I spend here shows.

I turn 41 this summer. Got quite a few grey hairs.

The hair is grey, but the mind still flies!

I feel flattered that you guys thought I’d be older, haha. That means I am doing something good, I guess!.

No one noticed my tiny invisi text?
I tend to measure in days rather years. When I said I was about 8000 twas an approximate in days ( did not factor in leap years) so I am actually around a mere 22 in years. And TBH it sounds better saying "I am over 8000).

Slightly less than I thought, but still get off my lawn. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Caconym, post:77, topic:8853”]No one noticed my tiny invisi text?
I tend to measure in days rather years. When I said I was about 8000 twas an approximate in days ( did not factor in leap years) so I am actually around a mere 22 in years. And TBH it sounds better saying "I am over 8000).

Slightly less than I thought, but still get off my lawn. :p[/quote]
ITS OVER 8000!!!

come at me bro, I’ll 1v1 you irl. No items, fox only. FINAL DESTINATION!

Woah you are good, i am really trying to find it but it’s still did not!

what invisitext? I zoomed in like 500% nothing secret anywhere