How old are Cataclysm: DDA players?

at heart i have been stuck at 12 ever since i was 12.

even though right now i am 2.5 times older in real years…

28… From Denmark. It’s dark and depressing here…

All the age categories are different sizes from one another and it’s hurting my brain after all the courses I’ve taken that involved doing studies.


Funnily enough Denmark ranks number 4 on the Legatum Prosperity Index, so it’s one of the happier/more content countries on earth. :stuck_out_tongue:

…I am hilariously confused right now.

Also, 29[sup]1[/sup]/[sub]2[/sub].

You ought to have it nice and bright down there compared us up here in northern sweden.
Sun comes up only to leave for another 20 hours…

Atleast it’s a little better than the Finnish winter.

So sunny in Sweden! In Fairbanks, Alaska around the winter it’s 20 hours of darkness, 4 hours of twilight in the afternoon when the sun isn’t blocked out by smog.

I’m 29, later this year I will officially become ‘establishment’.

Kinda the same latitude (think thats the right measurement), so I’d say it’s pretty much the same here as it is in alaska.

Do say, is the moose as bountiful over there than it is here?
Can’t drive too long without ramming into one…

I’m 20.

[quote=“HS1342, post:49, topic:8853”]Kinda the same latitude (think thats the right measurement), so I’d say it’s pretty much the same here as it is in alaska.

Do say, is the moose as bountiful over there than it is here?
Can’t drive too long without ramming into one…[/quote]

Yeah, it’s the same, but Fairbanks is special because it sits in a valley so the sun never comes up over the hills. Least at my house.

Lots of moose for sure, and they get bold and angry doing the winter. Had one totally block off a busy intersection downtown a month ago, just paced around and acted like it was going to charge if anybody scooted up to move through. Moose are assholes. They quit salting the roads here because too many cars were crashing into the creatures as they came out of the woods to lick the roads.

So when you stay in to play C:DDA, it’s actually like a real-life simulator, what with the wrecked cars and murdermoose everywhere.

Dear god I am actually glad I only life in Canada.

Thank you everyone for reminding me that Texas is awesome, and I am fully justified in believing it is so.

You ought to have it nice and bright down there compared us up here in northern sweden.
Sun comes up only to leave for another 20 hours…

Atleast it’s a little better than the Finnish winter.[/quote]

Oh but we do, its my basement apartment thats dark and depressing… Outside its cold, windy, dull weather…

In regards to the happiest people on earth thing, i wansn’t included in the survey, i always wanted to know what part / who of the danes they did they research on…

Live is great an earth an interesting place.
Apart from times in my life when i was in extreme pain or one of my friends or family members died (which already happened a lot so the positive thing is it can t happen a lot more) i was pretty much always at least content.

I am happy to be happy .


[quote=“Pthalocy, post:52, topic:8853”]So when you stay in to play C:DDA, it’s actually like a real-life simulator, what with the wrecked cars and murdermoose everywhere.

Dear god I am actually glad I only life in Canada.[/quote]

Haha, yeah, Cata moose are fairly realistic in that regard. I like the Urban Dictionary definition for Fairbanks, it’s cata-related.

Granddad, how come everyone in Fairbanks drinks all the time?

To forget, Billy. There’s things in the snow we’d just as soon forget.

And how come everyone has night terrors where they scream in tongues about the old ones, and wake up with bleeding noses?

Well, Billy, I haven’t lived many other places but I suspect that happens to everyone. Yep, I reckon it’s just part of the human condition.

well thats just creepy. In case you arn’t aware, most people don’t have night terrors of the Old Ones every night. Most nights I go without memorable dreams at all, though sometimes I work on being able to control my dreaming, so I can dream nice things, or use my dreams to enhance creativity and then wake up and solve a problem.

I dream awesomely. Like, full on fantasy epics.

Like, ones as awesome as the Epic of Gilgamesh?