How do i mod my turrets to target zombie dogs and zombears?

since the devs haven’t seen fit to fix this issue in recent experimentals despite repeated requests, i’d like to know how i can fix it in game. and maybe not just zdogs and zbears, but other critters as well.

and please, as simple as possible, i’m not any kind of modder or coder.

If it were easy, I’m sure we’d have it patched long ago. Have you reported this little problem on github?

I can’t seem to find anything on github. It’s fully possible that we just didn’t know about the problem; many of the devs spend significantly more time coding then actually playing the game, so it’s very possible that we just hadn’t personally encountered it.

i’ve been hollering about it on the forum for weeks since i discovered the problem, how could the devs not have known about it?!

The best way to report bugs is to make an issue on github. Not all developers check the forums regularly.

Pretty much, github is the official dev platform and thus is the best way to report a bug. Following that a properly formatted bug report in the garage forum that includes the version number is very helpful in getting bugs noticed.

Not to be mean or anything, but the only report I found of this on the garage forums is labeled in such a way that it appears to be a suggestion that was placed in the wrong forum (“tourettes”), and is actually a suggestion that has been heard before.

That said I have created a bug report on github for this issue here, so it should hopefully be addressed soon.

Pretty much, github is the official dev platform and thus is the best way to report a bug. Following that a properly formatted bug report in the garage forum that includes the version number is very helpful in getting bugs noticed.

Not to be mean or anything, but the only report I found of this on the garage forums is labeled in such a way that it appears to be a suggestion that was placed in the wrong forum (“tourettes”), and is actually a suggestion that has been heard before.

That said I have created a bug report on github for this issue here, so it should hopefully be addressed soon.[/quote]thanks, didn’t realize the issue hadn’t been officially reported.