Five bugs on latest git version

Hi, I just opened 5 issues (all 5 are bugs) on the GitHub page:

[ul][]issue 232: flipped up/down controls in main menu (fixed)
]issue 233: Shortkeys in main menu collide with Vi keys.
[]issue 234: Game uses default direction buttons for actions instead of user-configured ones
]issue 235: Non-configureable keys in overmap screen may lead to collisions with user-configured movement keys
[*]issue 236: Some in-game “windows” not fully cleared (fixed)[/ul]

All these bugs have been tested from the latest git I just obtained today.
I am “Wuzzy2” on GitHub because I unfortunately killed the name “Wuzzy” there …

Just wanted to let you know. Would it be okay to continue posting bugs directly on GitHub without posting them on the forums?

Posting them on github is great, it means we get notified about them and stuff.

Most of the time, when someone posts a bug on the forum we end up copying it over to the github issue tracker anyway.

Okay, the next bugs I find will be posted on GitHub only.

In the meanwhile, issues #236 and #232 got already fixed.