I want Help & Suggestions for the Forum

Hey everyone,

I have been using the forum & I wanted to ask a couple of things about how things work around here. First off, is there a specific way we are supposed to report forum-related bugs or issues? I noticed a couple of small things and I was not sure if I should just post them here or if there is a dedicated thread for that.

Also, I want to know if there are any unwritten rules or best practices for posting suggestions or feedback. I know every community has its own style and I just want to make sure I am not breaking any unspoken etiquette!

Are there any cool hidden features of the forum that I might not know about? Maybe something that makes navigation easier or a way to customize notifications better?
Also i have check this https://discourse.cataclysmdda.org/t/help-wanted-pls-point-me-the-right-way-understanding-cokta still need help.

Thank you…:blush:

Nope, posting about it here is probably the best. Although since the forums more or less just a base discourse deployment as far as I’m aware, bug reports about specific forum code/behaviors might fall into “we can’t/aren’t doing anything about it”, probably depends on the issue.

If its feedback/ideas/issues with the game itself, the unwritten secret is that most of the contributors rarely check this forum. Most of the back of the napkin discussion of ideas seems to take place in the official discord, and most of the issues and development discussion takes place in the Github itself. If your goal is just to convince a contributor to make a particular item, change, or fix, opening an issue on the Github will get it noticed by the active contributors way faster than the forums would.

I’ve no answers regarding forum features, it moves slowly enough that I’ve never felt that I was struggling to keep up.