Hot or Cold? [experimental sdl bd11369]

Just started a new game and…I got a hot head and at the same time a freezing head.

yeah probably a bug so just to report.

Its not a bug. You have 0 head warmth, so you’re going delirious and freezing to death.

Which is kind of bullshit. -3C isn’t that cold, especially with your torso bundled up like that. It’s a recipe for a very cold face, but your brain should be okay.

-3C is close to 0F. Water freezes at 0C.

Walking around without a thick jacket or thick hide/blubber is a VERY bad idea. The spit in your mouth will start freezing if it goes much lower (my game has gone as low as -20C).

[quote=“Daidalon, post:4, topic:6975”]-3C is close to 0F. Water freezes at 0C.[/quote]Bullshit. -3C is exactly 26.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Walking around without a thick jacket or thick hide/blubber is a VERY bad idea. The spit in your mouth will start freezing if it goes much lower (my game has gone as low as -20C).
Ha ha what. Check this [url=]wind chill chart from the National Weather Service[/url]: At 25 degrees Fahrenheit, risk of frostbite is [i]nil[/i]. And hypothermia would be an issue if you were naked, but it's a core temperature issue, and if you look at the screenshot, his core is actually on the warm side. Yes, he's hatless, which is going to make him very unhappy, but there's so much blood going from your torso to your brain that as long as your core temperature stays up your brain will be fine.

[quote=“Vanigo, post:5, topic:6975”][quote=“Daidalon, post:4, topic:6975”]-3C is close to 0F. Water freezes at 0C.[/quote]Bullshit. -3C is exactly 26.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Walking around without a thick jacket or thick hide/blubber is a VERY bad idea. The spit in your mouth will start freezing if it goes much lower (my game has gone as low as -20C).
Ha ha what. Check this [url=]wind chill chart from the National Weather Service[/url]: At 25 degrees Fahrenheit, risk of frostbite is [i]nil[/i]. And hypothermia would be an issue if you were naked, but it's a core temperature issue, and if you look at the screenshot, his core is actually on the warm side. Yes, he's hatless, which is going to make him very unhappy, but there's so much blood going from your torso to your brain that as long as your core temperature stays up your brain will be fine.[/quote]

And this is why basic math and hard labor don’t belong in the same day.

One of these days I’ll actually memorize the conversions instead of gutting it based on 32F = 0C and 1 pound + ??? kilos at sea level.

Lol. I already tried reporting this as a bug. But this is not. I guess folks behind the mechanics never lived anywhere close to real winter, so have no clue. Anyway, not gonna whine. Game is great.

[quote=“qurvax, post:7, topic:6975”]Lol. I already tried reporting this as a bug. But this is not. I guess folks behind the mechanics never lived anywhere close to real winter, so have no clue. Anyway, not gonna whine. Game is great.[/quote]Ha ha look at this comment from the source:

#define BODYTEMP_VERY_COLD 2000 //!< This value means frostbite occurs at the warmest temperature of 1C. If changed, the temp_conv calculation should be reexamined.

Frostbite is defined as ice forming in the skin, so it’s obviously impossible to get it at temperatures above freezing, no matter how naked you are and how shitty your circulation is and how many cold-blooded mutations you have. This is just dumb.

But why get the Hot head at the same time?

Concept called paradoxical undressing: temp nerves go Backwards and make folks with severe hypothermia think they’re too hot, so they remove layers. I’m beginning to think that we need to clarify this in-game or remove it, as I’m sick of getting bug reports on it.

Any sufficiently screwy interface screw is indistinguishable from a screwed-up interface. -Arthur C. Clarke

This seems like something that would be better portrayed via a short message, such as “Your head is starting to feel fuzzy. It’s getting really hot in here. Wait, that cant be right…”

[quote=“Solusphere, post:11, topic:6975”]Any sufficiently screwy interface screw is indistinguishable from a screwed-up interface. -Arthur C. Clarke

This seems like something that would be better portrayed via a short message, such as “Your head is starting to feel fuzzy. It’s getting really hot in here. Wait, that cant be right…”[/quote]

Yea, good idea. +1

[quote=“Solusphere, post:11, topic:6975”]Any sufficiently screwy interface screw is indistinguishable from a screwed-up interface. -Arthur C. Clarke

This seems like something that would be better portrayed via a short message, such as “Your head is starting to feel fuzzy. It’s getting really hot in here. Wait, that cant be right…”[/quote]
That’s a good idea indeed.


#define BODYTEMP_VERY_COLD 2000 //!< This value means frostbite occurs at the warmest temperature of 1C. If changed, the temp_conv calculation should be reexamined.

Ought to be changed.

Sup guys. Two of the biggest challenges I had while writing the code for body temperature (other than making it feel right) was frostbite and warmth being shared between body parts. These sort of work I think, but it was never an issue because temps never really got cold, until the weather was revamped and improved. Now flaws are being exposed.

As it was said, paradoxical undressing. Telling the player “you feel warm, which is weird because you’re freezing” is not paradoxical undressing. Just like when your head gets too hot, you hallucinate. You’re not told “you’re seeing things!”; you actually see things. Just like you “actually” feel hot. Clearly it’s working as intended, because a number of people are reporting the behavior as a bug :smiley: Should it be changed? Probably.

Frostbite is hardcoded not to occur over “0C”, which is actually 1C because I like round numbers. It’s a gradual process, and it’s supposed to build up over time. What’s missing to make frostbite realistic is wind. At the time I was coding this, I tried to make the temperature numbers line up with data points taken from science or wiki or first aid.

Body parts sharing heat caused a lot of problems and feedback loops and a bunch of sillyness. It’s nerfed and probably hardly does anything. Not great, because like you said, a warm torso has warm blood, warm blood with warm up the face and head.

I don’t know if I will have the time or energy to delve into my old code and recalibrate everything. It’s all numbers, and it’s not very fun.

[quote=“Shoes, post:14, topic:6975”]“0C”, which is actually 1C because I like round numbers.[/quote]Uh, what?

He likes round numbers.

I get what you were going for, but this is a case where an acceptable break from reality is called for. For a variety of reasons, a user interface should never, ever deceive the player without making it clear that something fishy is going on. Issues affecting the interface get parsed by the player as “real world” events, not game world ones, and immersion can’t help but suffer as a result. That’s the reason actual schizophrenic (sp?) hallucinations in the game give you the “Hallucinating” status effect. You can make it clear that the character is confused and disoriented in other ways, without prompting dozens of entirely reasonable bug reports.

I’m far more likely to remove the “hallucinating” message than I am to “fix” paradoxical undressing, so that doesn’t prove anything :stuck_out_tongue:

Demoting it to a log message instead of a misleading UI display would be reasonable, but having the message call itself into question is beyond pointless.

The set points for temperature are likely not where they ideally should be, if you have a comprehensive suggestion for fixing it, feel free, but repeating over and over that it’s a problem isn’t helping.

It makes the math simpler. I echo Kevin’s sentiments; if someone can tell me what needs fixing and how, I can look into it. But I am too busy at the moment to search for the solution myself.

Also to note : having low health lowers body warmth. Players should probably know that! :3

It’s !!SCIENCE!! Sort of :wink: