
Actually, you may be right. I was having trouble remembering the lore, but I do recall something about them being prehistoric flora brought back through a portal.

So yeah, food grown from tainted meat would probably be safe enough to eat while you’re still alive, but will make you more likely to zombify once you’re dead.

Well, suposedly everyone that dies eventually comes back in some way shape or form. The clusters of dead soldiers and drug mules would have to be recent, within the last few days. Its not going to make you come back any faster than you would otherwise.

Actually, you may be right. I was having trouble remembering the lore, but I do recall something about them being prehistoric flora brought back through a portal.

So yeah, food grown from tainted meat would probably be safe enough to eat while you’re still alive, but will make you more likely to zombify once you’re dead.[/quote]

In any case you might be able to purify the taint via cooking.

but everyone’s infected from the start.

Besides, even if tainted meat + crop = triffid of some sort (remember, there a bunch of different speicies), its not exactly that big a problem. Its still easy food. Plus, Pot-Triffids. Who doesnt want that?

Ahahaha, instead of stingers they will have dreadlocks, and instead of trying to kill you they’ll just hang out and hum Bob Marley.

NEXT on Cataclysm:_Dark_Days_Ahead >>

  1. How to uncook canned beans and grow a vine high enough to dance on the Moon
  2. Glued Zombie Heads - Will they behave as scarecrows and are they safe against moles and deers
  3. Befriending that Soldier Ant - Mutated crops, even bigger mandibles, even bigger melons, tips for growing.

[quote=“trusty_patches, post:5, topic:2822”]Weird, but when I planted seeds they just… fell out? Seems like they’ve fell out, yet still got planted.
So, is it a bug or is my character just a buffoon with extra-curved arms?[/quote]

I get the same thing, not sure if I have to leave the seeds there for it to grow or if I can just plant infinite crops with one seed. more science is underway now.

[quote=“Jack Slinger, post:27, topic:2822”][quote=“trusty_patches, post:5, topic:2822”]Weird, but when I planted seeds they just… fell out? Seems like they’ve fell out, yet still got planted.
So, is it a bug or is my character just a buffoon with extra-curved arms?[/quote]

I get the same thing, not sure if I have to leave the seeds there for it to grow or if I can just plant infinite crops with one seed. more science is underway now.[/quote]

I think you could theoretically get infinite crops, but the game also crashes they grow I hear.

[quote=“Labtop_215, post:28, topic:2822”][quote=“Jack Slinger, post:27, topic:2822”][quote=“trusty_patches, post:5, topic:2822”]Weird, but when I planted seeds they just… fell out? Seems like they’ve fell out, yet still got planted.
So, is it a bug or is my character just a buffoon with extra-curved arms?[/quote]

I get the same thing, not sure if I have to leave the seeds there for it to grow or if I can just plant infinite crops with one seed. more science is underway now.[/quote]

I think you could theoretically get infinite crops, but the game also crashes they grow I hear.[/quote]

A fix for the crash is underway.

It’s almost like the build is experimental or something.

If you’ve got farming, you must be playing experimental build.