Draw Your Cataclysms

if it was I might actually feel bad for shooting that zombie child

i mean, you’re suposed to

although only bad enough for a candy bar to make up for it…

I have had bad experiences with zombie children to the point where whenever I pass by a school I just pre-emptively throw a molotov into it

Schools are a good source of food, books, backpacks, rollerblades, baseball bats. I like schools.

Am i supposed to post pics here. If somethings not working or i did something wrong . Tell me. Anyways rule 32 or /and 34 .

Your links busted mate

Hopefully fixed http://i.imgur.com/5J0fIQN.jpg

Here is another drawing . Hope the link works http://i.imgur.com/15Yh9yN.jpg

Wasn’t originally drawing for Cataclysm, but it’s a soldier and it’s a zombie, so why not!

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Some experimental stuff.

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your grass is all wibbly wobbly. also, why isnt the character moving, when the zombie is?
…oh my god, is it mutating into the tenacle grass from Dwarf Fortress? the stuff you only find in haunted or even worse biomes? Where are the Eye-plants?

Post edit because I’m a whackjob

Is it supposed to be funny?

If I’ve upset you I apologize, that was not my intention. My sense of humour is warped and I didn’t stop to think something like that might be aggravating(or worse) to somebody. I will leave you alone.

Guys, your all overreacting as far as I can tell. A grumpy face at some freaky grass on crack seems totally reasonable. Nice experiment, but I think I would find my eyes bugging out if I tried to play with all the grass jumping around like that.

Try, try again.

It’s alright

I don’t even know what happened. :< Was I the cause of something? It all happened after my post after all.

Also, to your experiment: This wiggling >really< reminded me of those fancy, moving grasses and eyestalks from DF ; it’s hard to look at it after a while though, like Lit said. Creatures moving slightly around while idle could be very fancy though. Tell us, are you limited to 2 ‘frames’ or can you do more complex animations with several frames too? A Gracken for example might need several frames of animation.

stretching the animations over a longer period of time would be my first change. After that more frames as needed. Game will look so cool by the time your done ^.^

I liked the animations. Not sure how a fullscreen of that would feel, though.

Zombie “breathing” animation a think is totally fine, as long as not everyone of them breath at same time. :smiley:

[quote=“AdonaiJr, post:4399, topic:441”]I liked the animations. Not sure how a fullscreen of that would feel, though.

Zombie “breathing” animation a think is totally fine, as long as not everyone of them breath at same time. :D[/quote]


My only complaint is the worry that full-screen would make me queasy. Other than that I remain psyched about this.