Coolthulhu's patches

What do I do in order to have the fixed aiming maths for ranged weapons? I already have a save, and i don’t want to start over.

Acrhive privided by link is game itself not a patch.

  1. Download this (I assume you use windows):
  2. Create directory. Like “CataclysmCoolthulhu”
  3. Extract all files from archive you downloaded earlier to “CataclysmCoolthulhu” directory
  4. Find directory with you old Cataclysm and copy to “CataclysmCoolthulhu” “save” directory. Just “save” not anything else.
  5. Play from CataclysmCoolthulhu by launching cataclysm-tiles.exe.

If you want you can copy to CataclysmCoolthulhu “config” directory to import you game settings.

Thanks for making this fork, hoping it stays maintained for the foreseeable future.

If this goes from being patches to a full fork I’d be willing to support it. I can provide Azure hosting for build servers, web servers, etc.

SO how was the no cbm painkiller mod made and or works and can a similar thing be done with how crossbows and similar things can no longer be reinforced?

Is it possible for someone to compile a patch for Android?
It would be really nice, I grow tired of making 7 skill level chars just to hit something at 10 tiles.

Have you tried messaging
JoeyJoeJoeJrShabadoo? Hes the one that does the officially unofficial Android port.

His feedback thread is:
Android Version

[quote=“Atelerd, post:46, topic:14023”]Is it possible for someone to compile a patch for Android?
It would be really nice, I grow tired of making 7 skill level chars just to hit something at 10 tiles.[/quote]
This is pending
tl;dr gun accuracy overall tripled

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:48, topic:14023”][quote=“Atelerd, post:46, topic:14023”]Is it possible for someone to compile a patch for Android?
It would be really nice, I grow tired of making 7 skill level chars just to hit something at 10 tiles.[/quote]
This is pending
tl;dr gun accuracy overall tripled[/quote]

Looks like good progress is being made. Should produce the most reasonable situation for guns so far. The youtube links on pistols were especially interesting, and good inspiration as to where a pistols niche belongs.

EDIT: Found the problem, I had to use the 32 bit .zip version “”, apparently the tar.gz versions are for linux/android or something.

I’m getting an error when I try to unpack doc/JSON_LOADING_ORDER

Downloaded cataclysmdda-cth-lin-tiles64-210.tar.gz, using windows 10.

1 Cannot create symbolic link. A Privilege is not held by the client. C:\users…\Appdata\Local\Temp\7z…\JSON_LOADING ERROR

Then, the launcher is labelled as a file by default so I have to add .exe to the name.

Lastly, my computer (windows 10, sadly) tells me “This app can’t be run on this PC, to find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.”*

Any advice? How do I make this run on windows 10?

*(Pet peeve: APPS are for PHONES, stuff on COMPUTERS ARE PROGRAMS!!! What kind of millennial idiot do you take me for, Microsoft!?!? You think I’m so comfortable with phone apps that I won’t even know what a COMPUTER PROGRAM is unless you use phone terminology!?!?)

I would recommend using the Launcher. Soooo much easier once you get it installed. I think… you should have opened the file and selected the .exe not named the whole file .exe…

[spoiler= peevey]

its a senseible trend to isolate variables and make programs self contained, with peripheral utilities and support. So the programs often tend to be more like computer apps than programs. I can understand than naming.

Please don’t misunderstand. I can understand all desire to blame microsoft for everything under the sun. They are certainly deserving.

So. I am going to go with… I agree, but I can see the warped logic microsoft was using. Despite the inaccuracy of such a position, since I think appdata files came about before apps, but remain happy to be upset about things[/spoiler]

What about a MAC version of this fork? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d need someone with a mac to test that it actually works. I can set up the compilation thanks to Travis CI supporting it, but I don’t have a mac to test if the binary actually runs, other than trusting Travis that it does.

I’d need someone with a mac to test that it actually works. I can set up the compilation thanks to Travis CI supporting it, but I don’t have a mac to test if the binary actually runs, other than trusting Travis that it does.[/quote]

I have a mac, and I can test it for you! :slight_smile:

As an update I’ve managed to compile the fork successfully. I don’t have the time now to pack it in a DMG and provide it, but I can do tonight when I come back after dinner.

In any case everything seems to be working correctly. Genned random character, obviously it’s a clown.

UPDATE: Here’s the DMG file for the current version

[quote=“Litppunk, post:47, topic:14023”]Have you tried messaging
JoeyJoeJoeJrShabadoo? Hes the one that does the officially unofficial Android port.

His feedback thread is:
Android Version[/quote]

Actually, no. I just asked in the Android thread if somebody could update the build…

Coolthulhu contniue to update his fork.
So what the fututre plans about this fork? And what the difference now between current caltaclysm and that fork? I mean- after inital fix of the firearm.

What’s next for Coolthulhu?

I like this mod. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Firestorm_01, post:57, topic:14023”]Coolthulhu contniue to update his fork.
So what the fututre plans about this fork? And what the difference now between current caltaclysm and that fork? I mean- after inital fix of the firearm.[/quote]

I know the answer for this!

See this github issue.