CataTweaks [ 2014-12-19 ]

Err… It seems that I can’t clean infected wounds on my hands. Not sure it’s because of this version or CDDA’s medkits don’t have the hands when listed for healing…


EDIT: It seems that it uses the Advanced Inventory system (It’s the / key). Might wanna put that in the main post, Robik.

This bug is fixed in Fix hand and other small body part bites. by i2amroy · Pull Request #10153 · CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA · GitHub

But If you already have bite or infection in hands, it does not help you.

Nah, I just spawned in Antibiotics.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:62, topic:7777”]AND HOW DO I USE THE CONTAINER SYSTEM SOMEONE HELP

EDIT: It seems that it uses the Advanced Inventory system (It’s the / key). Might wanna put that in the main post, Robik.[/quote]

Yes, moving items from and into containers can be done only in AIM. I added User manual section in the first post.

The messenger bag crashes the game when trying to access it through the AIM.

Hmm, not consistently.

Can I has the save please?

Here you go. Blaze’s turret mod spits out a bunch of errors at me, but I spacedbar’d through those.

Thank you very much.

AIM got confused when it tried to show content of your dropped backpack. Fixed, download contains new exe.

Wheee!!! Thanks for the speedy fix Robik!

So just because I love this thing so much; suggestions for containers!

I’d really like the tool belt, chest rig, and the light survivor harness to be containers.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:71, topic:7777”]So just because I love this thing so much; suggestions for containers!

I’d really like the tool belt, chest rig, and the light survivor harness to be containers.[/quote]

Sure, can be done.
Any suggestion how much container space they should have, and maximum size of item that can be put inside?

Btw, container stuff conflicts* with items that have their own action, but that can be dealt with. Items that are holsters / sheaths are much bigger problem, which sadly includes survivor belt (has sheath).

  • by conflicts I mean they can’t be easily turn into containers, not that they are not working now

Well, I would mainly use the chest rig for ammunition and possibly grenades, but if a early survivor find a chest rig early the play might use it for bottles of water, so maybe a container value of 8 for the chest rig and a storage of 4?

The tool belt could be used to put tools into it, but that would get rid of the survivor utility belt entirely. A 8 in container and a 2 in storage.

The survivor harness sounds like it would like a myriad of things, so a container value of 10 and a storage value of 7 sounds ok.

That means I should alter throwing in game, because you probably don’t want to throw entire chest rig on zombies. :slight_smile:

Crafting system does not find tools in containers right now, nor you can activate item in container… and you know what, I might as well redo the survivor belt, we have plenty of sheaths anyway.

Yeah, I like throwing grenades from chest rig and tools in belt-containers, so I will do that.

I dunno about throwing items from a container, I was just saying that I would use it to hold my explosives when the time came. It’s fast enough to go into AIM and grab it and put it into your inventory.

Looks like there are some save compatibility problems in latest experimental. So I am not going to make an update today. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

This should be in the game because I am bad at putting stuff in my cataclysm.

I figured it out its its own thing lol!


Unnecessary triple post.