Cataclysm, classic Zombie Survival. In progress

New Build Uploaded

thank you for this! especially for the better and bigger fonts!

Updated main post about upcoming build.

Version 3.1 runs very well.


Update Build 3-2 merged back with DDA for bug fixing goodness.

Yeah, the update is running well for me too -thanks for updating it to the latest version!

As far as infection of wounds go, your idea of having them have a chance to be infected if left for a long period of time seems much better, however seen as how easy it is to get rags/bandages it would seem very unlikely that a wound would ever really get infected. Perhaps there could be a much smaller chance of infection if you bandage it, but still a small one? - obviously one for down the road though.

Here is my idea. If you use bandages to stop bleeding/fix a wound you have a very small chance of infection.

If you use rags (which are dirty and not sterile) to stop bleeding, you have a chance of the wound becoming infected as well.

And of course if you ignore the room you have a greater chance of it becoming infected.

I am also looking at broken legs.

Idea: You could apply alcohol (Vodka, Gin, etc.) before applying bandages to prevent infection?

Add superglue and you have bandages.
I think Oddzball mentioned using alcohol to directly treat infections in IRC, so that’d be in the works too.

I love you infinitely for this. I’m going to download it now and test it out!

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:49, topic:156”]Add superglue and you have bandages.
I think Oddzball mentioned using alcohol to directly treat infections in IRC, so that’d be in the works too.[/quote]

I could make superglue stop bleeding, no problem. But if i give you so many options, I need to make bleeding a little more severe.

I meant if you have rags, booze, and superglue you have the bandage recipe.


I like your idea a lot (of sort of different levels of chance for infection), as I think it’s always needed to have a chance for infection to keep the player on their toes.
However, Talking to my neighbour who does medicine, she was saying that for really sensitive patients (like babies and whatever) they usually use a sort of antibiotic paste and then a few different sorts of sterile bandages with a massive plaster on top to make sure that it’s completely sealed. Possibly it could be possible to make a ‘super’ bandage which could completely prevent it, with a sterile needle&thread+antibiotic paste+sterile bandages (all maybe only found in pharmacies/hospitals). I think if you’re doing a way with a lot of drugs this would make hospitals/pharmacies still relevant, and it’s always nice to have a few ultra-goodies for those lucky enough to find them/ something to aim for.

Well, infection will get done eventually.

Right now I am working towards adding a new special area. Sorta like labs or what have you, that spawns away form cities.

Farms… i just have to figure out how to actually “draw” stuff in Cataclysm.

I found the NPC teachers bug reported here:

[quote=“Binky, post:54, topic:156”]I like your idea a lot (of sort of different levels of chance for infection), as I think it’s always needed to have a chance for infection to keep the player on their toes.
However, Talking to my neighbour who does medicine, she was saying that for really sensitive patients (like babies and whatever) they usually use a sort of antibiotic paste and then a few different sorts of sterile bandages with a massive plaster on top to make sure that it’s completely sealed. Possibly it could be possible to make a ‘super’ bandage which could completely prevent it, with a sterile needle&thread+antibiotic paste+sterile bandages (all maybe only found in pharmacies/hospitals). I think if you’re doing a way with a lot of drugs this would make hospitals/pharmacies still relevant, and it’s always nice to have a few ultra-goodies for those lucky enough to find them/ something to aim for.[/quote]

You’re right, Future Medicine Certified Sterile™ gauze should totally be a thing, will make a note of that.

So for those of you who have wondered what i have been up to…

Can anyone guess what this is?

[code]for (int i = 0; i < SEEX * 2; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SEEY * 2; j++)
ter(i, j) = t_grass;

square(this, t_floor, 0, 0, 14, 9); //Oddzball-house floor #1
square(this, t_wall_wood, 16, 0, 23, 9); //Oddzball-Barn exterior #2
square(this, t_fence_barbed, 0, 13, 23, 23); //Oddzball-field exterior #3
line(this, t_wall_h, 0, 0, 14, 0); //Oddzball-House north wall #4
line(this, t_wall_h, 0, 9, 14, 9); //Oddzball-House south wall #5
line(this, t_wall_h, 1, 5, 8, 5); //Oddzball-House interior wall 1 horizontal #6
line(this, t_wall_h, 10, 4, 13, 4); //Oddzball-House interior wall 2 horizontal #7
line(this, t_wall_v, 0, 1, 0, 8); //Oddzball-House west wall #8
line(this, t_wall_v, 14, 1, 14, 8);//Oddzball-House east wall #9
line(this, t_wall_v, 9, 4, 9, 5);//Oddzball-House interior wall 3 vertical #10
line(this, t_wall_v, 10, 1, 10, 3);//Oddzball-House interior wall 4 Vertical #11
square(this, t_dirt, 17, 1, 22, 8); //Oddzball-Barn Floor #None
square(this, t_dirt, 1, 14, 22, 22); //Oddzball-Field dirt #12
ter( 5, 0) = t_window_domestic; //Oddzball- House window Begin placing items left-right, top-down
ter( 12, 0) = t_window_domestic;//House window
ter( 19, 0) = t_door_c;//Barn door N1
ter( 20, 0) = t_door_c;//Barn door N2
ter( 1, 1) = t_dresser;//Bedroom dresser 1
square(this, t_bed, 2, 1, 3, 2); //Big old bed in bedroom
ter( 4, 1) = t_dresser;//Bedroom dresser 2
ter( 11, 1) = t_toilet;//Toilet in bathroom
ter( 12, 1) = t_sink;//Sink in bathroom
ter( 17, 1) = t_locker;//Locker in barn
ter( 18, 1) = t_locker;//Locker in barn
ter( 10, 2) = t_door_c;//bedroom to bathroom door
ter( 13, 2) = t_bathtub;//Bathtub
ter( 0, 3) = t_window_domestic;//West bedroom window
ter( 18, 3) = t_column; //Barn pillar 1
ter( 21, 3) = t_column; //Barn pillar 2
ter( 7, 4) = t_chair; //Chair in bedroom
ter( 8, 4) = t_desk; //Desk in bedroom
ter( 12, 4) = t_door_c; //Kitchen to bathroom door
ter( 5, 5) = t_door_c; //Living room to bedroom door
ter( 13, 5) = t_cupboard; //Bleck so many cupboards
ter( 2, 6) = t_armchair; //Armchair in living room
ter( 13, 6) = t_cupboard; //cupboard…
ter( 18, 6) = t_column; //Barn pillar 3
ter( 21, 3) = t_column; //Barn pillar 4
ter( 13, 7) = t_oven; //oven
ter( 22, 7) = t_dirtmound; //oven
line(this, t_cupboard, 8, 8, 13, 8); //Row of cupboards
ter( 10, 8) = t_fridge; //Refridgerator
ter( 12, 8) = t_sink; //Kitchen sink
line(this, t_dirtmound, 21, 8, 22, 8); //Dirt corner of barn
ter( 2, 9) = t_window_domestic;//House window living room
ter( 7, 9) = t_door_c; //House entrance
ter( 12, 9) = t_window_domestic;//House window kitchen
ter( 19, 9) = t_door_c;//Barn door S1
ter( 20, 9) = t_door_c;//Barn door S2
ter( 0, 13) = t_fence_post;//Fence post 1
ter( 23, 13) = t_fence_post;//Fence post 2
line(this, t_dirtmound, 2, 15, 21, 15); //Crop row 1
line(this, t_dirtmound, 2, 17, 21, 17); //Crop row 2
line(this, t_dirtmound, 2, 19, 21, 19); //Crop row 3
line(this, t_dirtmound, 2, 21, 21, 21); //Crop row 1
ter( 0, 23) = t_fence_post;//Fence post 3
ter( 23, 23) = t_fence_post;//Fence post 4[/code]

Upcoming feature for CZS soon!

FARMS!!! Great!!!

Updated main post.