Carefully asking, is there a mod to well give an option to get Pregnant?

that type of scenario would actually be welcome. most parents I think want to AVOID the damn diaper changes. that being said, I’d love to get this. and since I’ve no clue how to mod. can somebody Maybe make something like this honestly? a challenge from this would be super simple. aka, your 3 months Pregnant and somewhere. you lost father of child, and REALLY want to keep the kid. Survive.

This is actually pretty easy to code, it’s just a condition with various effects that happen at certain intervals. The main question is how much realism to layer in there, if we just applied expected mortality rates for pregnancy and labor with no modern medicine, there’d be a sizeable chance of death with roughly zero way to do anything about it.

Not really, an infant would need to be treated as an item for a year or so, you’d mostly carry them around, though a core feature would be feeding them frequently. I see this option as being fairly involved to add, it needs to be an active item with very complex interactions and a lot of specialized related items.

“freaky” options are definitely going to be “shot into space”. I have no interest handling rape, monster breeding, forced pregnancy, etc. in this game.[/quote]

the Realism Scale would be fairly basic, namely Prenatal Vitamins, try not to get sick, no booze, no drugs, and eat balanced diet.

as for the baby item, it sure would need complex interactions. and a system in place for when its a kid to learn things.

So I was digging through the various Japanese mods out of curiosity. And in one of the files called “/Battle Maid/milk” I found a sort of pseudo-pregnancy file for, uhh, something called “little_maid_R18”.

The code is basically for a month-long pregnancy: the “little_maid” being a tool with a month-long timer. After a month it can produce milk and eggs at daily intervals.

I imagine you could use this as the base for a cloning vat of some sort, though you’d have to figure out how to replace item-spawning with some sort of script that triggers the spawning of an NPC. Or of a “baby” item also on a timer, which would in turn spawn an NPC once the timer expires and it “grows up”. Maybe even make it require regular feeding.

The full file for the code is below.

[ { "id": "little_maid_R18_tane", "type": "TOOL", "category": "other", "symbol": "m", "color": "white", "name": "Little maid for pet (seed)", "description": "It is a little maid which seeded. When you were gazing at you gently, I shyly cheeked my cheeks and gave a gentle smile. If you use it after 28 days you will be able to milk.", "price": 60000, "material": ["maid"], "weight": 34000, "volume": 40, "use_action": { "type": "delayed_transform", "transform_age": 403200, "not_ready_msg": "When gently stroking my head, I flushed my cheek thinly and I kept leaving myself hoarse...", "msg": "Little maid rubs the growing stomach like loving good things. My heart has come out much. It will not be long before milk comes out.", "moves": 0, "target": "little_maid_R18_milk" } }, { "id": "little_maid_R18_milk", "type": "TOOL", "category": "other", "symbol": "m", "color": "white", "name": "Little maid for pet (milkable)", "description": "It is a little maid which seeded. My chest and stomach have swollen considerably, and I am staring at you with a truly lavish eyes ... I can obtain milk by milking.", "price": 60000, "material": ["maid"], "weight": 36000, "volume": 45 }, { "id": "little_maid_R18_milk2", "type": "TOOL", "category": "other", "symbol": "m", "color": "white", "name": "Little maid for pet (after milking)", "description": "It is a little maid made milking. I feel a fulfilled expression and I feel that the skin is shining somewhere. It can be milked again when used after 23 hours.", "price": 60000, "material": ["maid"], "weight": 36000, "volume": 45, "use_action": { "type": "delayed_transform", "transform_age": 13800, "not_ready_msg": "Little maid took your hand and gently strike your stomach. I feel a very warm body temperature...", "msg": "Little maid came close to your side. I'm staring at you as if I'm sick of something ... with milking again possible.", "moves": 0, "target": "little_maid_R18_milk" } }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "little_maid_R18_tane", "id_suffix": "from_little_maid_R18", "category": "CC_OTHER", "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS", "skill_used": "fabrication", "difficulty": 0, "time": 60000, "flags": ["BLIND_EASY"], "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "components": [ [ [ "little_maid_R18", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "COMESTIBLE", "id" : "maid_aphrodisiac", "name" : "aphrodisiac", "weight" : 322, "color" : "pink", "addiction_type" : "none", "spoils_in" : 0, "stim" : 0, "comestible_type" : "DRINK", "container": "bottle_plastic", "symbol" : "%", "quench" : 10, "healthy" : 1, "addiction_potential" : 0, "nutrition" : 10, "description" : "t is an aphrodisiac which increases vitality when drinking. If you drink a little maid, lay eggs.", "price" : 300, "material" : "veggy", "tool" : "null", "volume" : 1, "phase" : "liquid", "charges" : 1, "fun" : 20 }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "maid_aphrodisiac", "id_suffix": "from_apple", "result_mult": 2, "category": "CC_FOOD", "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS", "skill_used": "cooking", "difficulty": 4, "time": 10000, "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "qualities":[{"id":"CHEM","level":1,"amount":1}], "tools": [ [ [ "hotplate", 6 ], [ "char_smoker", 1 ], [ "toolset", 6 ], [ "fire", -1 ] ] ], "components": [ [ [ "apple", 1 ], [ "pomegranate", 1 ], [ "onion", 1 ], [ "lettuce", 1 ], [ "garlic", 1 ], [ "pepper", 10 ] ], [ [ "honey_bottled", 1 ], [ "honey_glassed", 1 ], [ "honeycomb", 1 ] ], [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "milk", "id_suffix": "from_little_maid_R18_milk", "result_mult": 3, "byproducts": [["little_maid_R18_milk2"]], "category": "CC_FOOD", "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS", "skill_used": "fabrication", "difficulty": 0, "time": 60000, "flags": ["BLIND_EASY"], "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "components": [ [ [ "little_maid_R18_milk", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "egg_bird", "id_suffix": "from_maid_aphrodisiac", "result_mult": 3, "category": "CC_FOOD", "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER", "skill_used": "fabrication", "difficulty": 0, "time": 5000, "flags": ["BLIND_EASY"], "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "tools": [ [ [ "little_maid_R18_milk", -1 ], [ "little_maid_R18_milk2", -1 ] ] ], "components": [ [ [ "maid_aphrodisiac", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "mutation", "id" : "futanari", "name" : "Futanari", "points" : 0, "description" : "There is another gender in the body.", "starting_trait" : true, "valid" : false }, { "type" : "mutation", "id" : "syokusyu", "name" : "Reproductive tentacle", "points" : 0, "description" : "Tentacles for reproduction are growing in the body.", "starting_trait" : true, "valid" : false } ]

There is also code for the little maid as a pet, though I don’t know if it’s a seperate entity or the same one as the above. Though making a child qualify as a pet may actually be a great idea, since animals can be converted from NPCs to items (via carrier cage). So having a similar ability to pick up children would be really useful.

{ "type" : "MONSTER", "id" : "mon_little_maid", "name": "Little maid", "species":"NETHER", "default_faction":"player", "symbol":"m", "color":"white", "size":"SMALL", "material":"flesh", "diff":2, "aggression":10, "morale":100, "speed":200, "melee_skill":1, "melee_dice":1, "melee_dice_sides":1, "melee_cut":1, "dodge":2, "armor_bash":0, "armor_cut":0, "vision_day":8, "vision_night":8, "death_drops": { "subtype": "collection", "groups": [ [ "little_maid_drop", 100 ] ] }, "hp":80, "death_function":["MELT"], "special_attacks":[["PARROT", 40],["IMPALE", 25]], "description":"It is a small maid summoned from a different world. Although it is difficult to achieve accurate communication, it seems that he longed for the summoner at first. Enter the carry case for pets.", "flags":["SEES", "SMELLS", "HEARS", "SWIMS", "WARM", "REGENERATES_10", "REGEN_MORALE", "NOGIB"], "anger_triggers":["FRIEND_ATTACKED"] },

In that case the pregnancies should not be caused by people, but rather by mi-go’s putting eggs in your body, also needs leashes for your companions.[/quote]

Giant flies can lay eggs in your body and you can leash zombie slaves to yourself. We’re basically halfway there.[/quote]

WELP. I am now shooting every fly I see. All of them. With the biggest weapon available. Did not know they could do that.

It’s not “giant fly” ones. It’s only dermatiks.

It’s not “giant fly” ones. It’s only dermatiks.[/quote]

Proceeds to mod every fly to be behave the same as Dermatik’s just joking.

In the first thread page, there was a link to a zip of japanese mods, and one of them seems to depend on a mod that wasn’t included, a “daizo_mod”. Google doesn’t pull up anything meaningful. Not sure if the best course of action is asking about it here or making a new thread for it, so if I’m told to make a new thread for this I will.

Asking in a dedicated thread is more likely to get an answer.

Well, this and the dwarf fortress comment a while back gives me a bit of an idea. Perhaps when you get the game done the way you wanted it to be. Depending on how ambitious you would want to take the next product. I’m thinking the next project should be something a bit more like a Cataclysm’s version of rimworld with squad mechanics when sending people out to retrieve Items. Good luck trying to rebuild society when 1 shocker brute can just wipe out everything you had built up to that piont.

The realistic only likely implementation of this sorta thing is the ability to ‘retire’ characters and have the world progress X years, making starting new characters in a more difficult world a thing due to evolution, and being able to meet older previous characters.

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I’ve got friends up in Oak Ridge…

…or, is that the kind of thing that got this started in the first place?

Sorry to let you down, but as a software dev hearing such lighthearted suggestion is enough to make me go pale. Rimworld took thousands of fully paid man-days to get into beta, and much more to be where it is now vanilla. Now add to that thousands of hours mod community put into improving it and it
still has fairly limited scope of game play. There is sadly no real way to achieve noteworthy depth in one aspect without compromising the others. I’m in no way against the idea, just pointing the grim reality of trying to take the best out of two worlds and make it work.

There is already a game like this: Save 55% on Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation on Steam I’ll let you decide if it is good or not.

Now back to original topic. I’m not opposed to existence of any mods whatever content they might bring, or even humoring feature requests of ambitious developers by adding new frameworks as long as it doesn’t derail or destabilize the main game.
I have to confess to packing Oblivion full of Japanese mods out of morbid curiosity once… I don’t think I’ll ever recover from that mental damage, but whatever, It was fun even if in the most grotesque way possible.

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I do recall hearing (and suggesting myself, maybe it is my own wishful thinking) some kind of time skipping feature. Especially now that CDDA seasons are so long that an in game year is actually 365 days.

Because otherwise even just playing through a pregnancy from start to finish is 270 days. And I would think the toon would be virtually out of commission for a good chunk of that. (Full disclosure I’m male and therefore my impressions of pregnancy is entirely second hand. Maybe there are some women that can still do Krav Maga in the third trimester. I just don’t personally know them.)

Judgement is mostly negative for a reason. The entire game is completely rushed, and it a 1.0 sticker slapped onto it when the game clearly wasn’t done. It also isn’t a zombie game, the craft mechanics are horrible, and lacks all of the realism cataclysm has that would make it’s world immersive. I’m thinking of something where you would be able to export your cataclysm world, and the people in your community too. I don’t believe turning cataclysm into a full-blown rts would be a good idea either. I don’t think we would ever get a big enough team with the budget we could possibly get with the current community size. I think it would be best if used the majority of the same crafting mechanics, a very very small rework of weapons, adding random events, expanding the ai, a tweaked safe mode, expanded buildings & materials, and to remain a turn-based strategy game. The brunt of the work would be mostly in the ai. In the current state of Cataclysm, most of the scripts you need for something like that are right there. Though adding all this on top of the game would make the game require a bit more power to run due to all the extra things the ai has to do in the background. When I mention rimworld I never meant copying those types of games in their entirety. Cataclysm is unique in a way that you won’t be just running around for six hours (real time) looking for one rare spawning item. You tend to have plenty of opportunities to make one out of other materials. So if the item is necessary for your survival your not completely fucked over by rng if you aren’t able to find it. Something I’m suggesting would be far easier than trying to come up with a way to make the game multiplayer without slowing down the gameplay. Though perhaps the mechanics that would be required to make the game into a unique colony sim game would be the exact same that would make a coop multiplayer Cataclysm possible.

Personally that seems like a thing the player would be unable to do whilst other characters can, for obvious reasons.

How would Mutations be passed down?

We don’t need more crazy fetishes, guys. Furries, vibrators, bondage suits… I know this game isn’t “graphically detailed” but seriously people.

Anyways if this were actually in the game, it should be lazily implemented like in (some of) the Sims (you get a random baby w/o labor) because pregnancy is extremely long and would be impossible to live with in a zombie apocalypse. Imagine getting 1 damage to your torso and now your non-fetish related efforts are wasted.

Then there’s parenting. Raising kiddos.

Don’t add teens to the game. Please. Just make them magically grow up in a few days so you can kill them off like people do with NPCs.

You pretty much outlined the complete opposite of what my approach would be. It’s quite unlikely that I’d add pregnancy or childbirth or child rearing. But if I did, it would be extrordanarally difficult.

Let’s try to raise some puppy first that might prove enought of a challenge already.

A human uterus is remarkably hardy…

…it would have to be for us to last this long. Remember, survivors of a zombie apocalypse won’t be the first group of people to try recovering from a mass-dieoff and raising families in a time when our world was dangerous and lots of things wanted to eat us.

I don’t think “teens” as such would exist in a PA-setting, as they didn’t in the time before the modern era. Children grow up very fast when they have to; as soon as you’re old enough to make a child, you’ve pretty much stopped being one.

Hell of a good point. One that so many have forgotten.