Carefully asking, is there a mod to well give an option to get Pregnant?

The problem is they’re immune to mind damage! :wink:

The entirety of this thread is a woderful illustration of why this sort of thing needs to be handled carefully.


I’d agree, but seeing the Wackiness that is CDDA I’d say somethings are just inevitable. that being said to get back on topic. there are 2 aims of mod for good or ill. 1 is your longterm effects of Pregnancy. this would not be over in a day. or a week or even a month. you’d be suffering with this for months. 2nd is easier, we Spawn in AI controlled NPC’s that would be smaller but develop quickly. Pregnancy/birth I’d Hypothesize would have changed because of how uncertain things are. other, More Freaky options well. handle CAREFULLY. maybe shoot them into space. or set members only, Verification REQUIRED subboard.

this being said, the discussion has been GREAT. and maybe Mods/Devs see this. NOT SEXY. but Real life challenge :wink:

Rocks can get at fluffy wambler levels if you have enough strength and skill to do headshots.

This is actually pretty easy to code, it’s just a condition with various effects that happen at certain intervals. The main question is how much realism to layer in there, if we just applied expected mortality rates for pregnancy and labor with no modern medicine, there’d be a sizeable chance of death with roughly zero way to do anything about it.

Not really, an infant would need to be treated as an item for a year or so, you’d mostly carry them around, though a core feature would be feeding them frequently. I see this option as being fairly involved to add, it needs to be an active item with very complex interactions and a lot of specialized related items.

“freaky” options are definitely going to be “shot into space”. I have no interest handling rape, monster breeding, forced pregnancy, etc. in this game.

What about cloning and synthetic human making (vat grown people) though?, also no need to worry, it’s only a matter of time until someone makes a mod dealing with these exact stuff probably coming from the Japanese community.

Nothing wrong with a little cloning, though no one post-cacaclysm really has the resources for it…

I don’t know about adding it to the game mechanics, but I gotta say it’d make a neat escort quest to run into a pregnant woman and her husband, and have to bring them to a safe location.

Thatsort of thing desn’t even require any special support, just labeling the NPC and giving her appropriate stats.

Now I’m thinking about this seriously it would be pretty cool to see things like mutations get transferred through pregnancy. And the whole marloss chain instantly makes me regret thinking about that at all. Hmm… A good framework would allow for different types of pregnancy, though. So facehuggers and others can become things, no matter how much I want them to stay not being things.

Generational features are another thing entirely, and unlikely to be pursued in any meaningful way.

Taking care of a pet is a large part of a story which my gf and I are doing, so there’s definitely something adorable about the idea of surviving with a mostly helpless friend in the cataclysm.

By the way:
Egg laying mutation → incubate NPC egg → get hatching human NPC
Physical and mental speed up maturation serum → inject baby with such concoction → get a healthy 20yo young adult

Mycus and Slime survivors should be able to bud, Plant survivors should be able to seed.

Is this a hentai game now?

No, just a forum with a hentai infestation.

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No, just a forum with a hentai infestation.[/quote]
We should burn it before it spreads out! Luckily I have a flamethrower: CDDA Flamethrower in LUA - Album on Imgur

If I could kindly draw your attention to the tentacle mutations, corsets and the vibrators, please. I think you’ll find the answers to all your questions answered there. :slight_smile:

Hey, keep the tentacles out of this shit. They dindu nothin’
Replace them with fursuits and bondage gear.

[quote=“Coolthulhu, post:39, topic:14319”]Hey, keep the tentacles out of this shit. They dindu nothin’
Replace them with fursuits and bondage gear.[/quote]

Do I have to remind you of all the straight up furry beast mutation tree?

Ignoring CDDA’s newfound prudery.
I still think that shouldn’t be too hard to have pregnancies if you either add a quick-grow serum/machine. You could even tinker with some kind of machine to imprint in the newborn post-quick-grow kid some neural patterns so that the kid comes out with basic physical knowledge(walking and such) and basic concepts and knowledge such symbolic thinking and speech. All that stuff that would require years of mental and physical development all solved quickly through the power of end-game content science.