Boardgame Tileset v.9.6

That blood, bile, and fire is fantastic. The carnage is glorious.

Hi again! I wanted to give you an update regarding that glitch I was talking about. If you’re having trouble replicating it, the easiest way to do so is to smash a window and walk through it until you get cut on the glass. When I do that, this happens:

EDIT: I figured it out! It turns out a viewport width of 44 is the tileset’s “breaking point” (Or it might be the breaking point for tilesets in general, I don’t know) - At a width of 45, I start seeing the issues when my character or a monster recieves damage while moving. So for now I’m going to tone my window width down to 44, and maybe adjust the height so that I can keep it able to fit nicely in a Youtube video.

I’m glad I was able to help figure out this issue! And I offer my apologies to my test character Thomas Gonzales, who spent the past 10 minutes shredding himself on the evac shelter window, in the name of SCIENCE!

New Update!

from v9.4 to v9.5:

  • new multitile: rubble heap/pile
  • creature moose has now M insteed of m [because it’s big ;)]
  • radio symbol has now just an “r” insteed of “tr”
  • Weapon “Rising Sun” on/off was reversed
  • the paper wall will now be displayed as other walls
  • flu shot in fsh changed
  • background from ash fixed
  • book background and letters revised [differences between skill types]

I wanted to add the missed “plasma legacies” but I couldn’t find the id.
It seems, the “Missing Tile Checker” can’t find everything.
It couldn’t find the caltrops and now also the plasma. :frowning:

And thank you Chaz for the videos (-> Playlist) and the bug report!

Why this tileset does still not come with the main game is still a mistery. Good work.

But i sincerely can’t stand using a P. Hahaha. @ for me it will be. I may edit it and see how it sees.

Thank you, but the tileset is still not in the main game, because there is no new version coming out for C:DDA. Or am I wrong?

And you want @ instead of P?
It should not much work. I can upload an alternative tileset with @.

[quote=“Thuztor, post:25, topic:4130”]And you want @ instead of P?
It should not much work. I can upload an alternative tileset with @.[/quote]

Well, thanks, but i did one myself already. Still it would be better to have it as an option for other players.

Okay, I’ve added a tileset with @ instead of P.

I would like to know, how many people prefer @ or P.

Thankfully, you are very, very wrong!

The game has been in constant development since 0.9, and if you ever need to see what changes have been made lately, simply navigate to the github page, at GitHub - CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA: Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.

The next new version of C:DDA will be 0.A, and it won’t be released for a good long while as the contributors are working on the NPC rewrite, creature changes, and other huge and monstrous tasks.

If you want your tileset main game, I think once it’s complete all you have to do is release it to the contributors under a license that allows them to use it without breaking any laws. Cataclysm, for example is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, the terms of which are visible here CC BY-SA 3.0 US Deed | Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States | Creative Commons

Talk to Glyphgryph or others in chat or forum if you want to get the tileset merged. I am not a contributor, and probably can’t help you there.

Thankfully, you are very, very wrong![/quote]

Great! He really deserves it.

By the way…

Thank you dwarfkoala for these infos!

And nice “snake” StopSignal! :wink:

Unfortunately it can’t. Some things are hard coded in and I can’t check against those. I suppose I could check against my own list of things that are hard coded, but I wouldn’t know where to even begin with that, as IMO the C:DDA code is a mess.

Nice, downloading now.

Very pleasing to the eyes.

Does the complete status mean it’s complete for 0.9 or for experimental?

Hi all I love this tile set thank you OP.

I have just tested build 0.9 630 and this tile set is built into it all ready :slight_smile:

My only wish is for it to be more obvious when windows are open vs. closed. Curtains are obvious enough, but windows themselves… kind of hard to see.

yeah i have noticed that to its hard to tell.

Any way great job on tile set im using latest build 655 (well all most latest) and seems to work fine off course there are some items now missing in this version but thats to be expected.

Hi all any ideas if/when this wicked awesome tile set will be up to date

I am using very latest DEV build and some items have been added.


I’ll will see, if I can update it to the current version in the next days.

That would be amazing thank you :slight_smile:

Im assuming work has stopped on this tile set or at least untill final release?.

Thanks :slight_smile: