Android Version

Signed Release Version 32224(#7934) here:


If anyone get some lua error,you may open /sdcard/Android/data/com.cleverraven.cataclysmdda/files/lua/class_definitions.lua.And add this line just like this.

Ok cool I’ll try that. Thx!

When I try to download it, I get a message saying that there was. Problem parsing package. Am I doing something wrong?

Any snapshot about this error?

I figured it out. For some reason I have to download it through the Samsung browser

Are you using mods like “stats through skills”/ “stats through kills” / “speedy dex”? Does it work for you? Just asking.

I’m using stats through skill. It works now though

Oh nice. They werent working for me on 32044. Downloading new post. Thanks!

Found a way to fix this one:
In autoexec.lua copy the android line at the top and change the emulated/0 part to sdcard1. That will make it check in both locations, might need to add a third line for sdcard0

Latest signed Release version - (analogue of build 7941 built on 2018-09-19.


Haha! I cant keep up with these updates! Thanks!

Updated versions would be uploaded to this Dropbox folder -


I’m getting lua errors when booting the game:

Ignore them for now. These would be resolved soon.

Change line 2308 in class_definitions to
args = { table.unpack(func.args or []) } -- copy args to fix that one

Lua errors should be gone now and Lua mods should be working since this version - App still uses Lua 5.1, but that is temporary and I plan to upgrade to 5.3 soon.

While we are working on setting up automatic Android builds on Jenkins, I will try to provide updated versions and upload them to this Dropbox folder daily - . Release versions should be equal to that on Jenkins (e.g. 0.C-32309-g6e7b56a).


Iz juz Greaaattt! Thanks alot @Zhilkin

That auto build will be a lifesaver!

Maybe it would be nice to upload them to f-droid.

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Indeed, that would be awesome. Much more convenient than side loading the .apk every day :stuck_out_tongue:

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