Ambient sounds

AdonaiJr: Looks like you might be missing SDL_mixer in your linker dependencies, go to Project/Build Options, select Release/SDL on the left panel and click the linker settings tab, make sure SDL_mixer2.lib is listed in link libraries. You can find it here if you don’t have it:

Also check in compiler settings/#defines and make sure that SDL_SOUND appears there, if not, add it.

Another little demo, this time for some vehicle stuff I’ve done over the past few days:

Love it! <3 Cataclysm: Grant Theft Auto! Great work, as always. :slight_smile:

In car radios a la GTA!?!

You my friend, are amazing.


The way the sound fades out as you get further away then gets loud again when you go back I love this :open_mouth:

Man, that video is extremely evocative. Just driving through the wasteland, old music playing on the stereo, going past towns full of zeds. The moments where the you’re almost cornered by a brute and when the bandits throw bombs and shoot at you are actually genuinely tense.
This is the coolest thing.

Spent around 3-4 hours today trying to get this darn thing compiled and failed horribly at it XD i dont suppose someone that succeeded could zip the file and toss it on dropbox or something

I think based on the last error you had compiling, you need to use the codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup-TDM-GCC-481.exe download from the Code::Blocks site, since the default download containing GCC 4.7.1 can’t build the current code without errors.

Really nice job you’ve done with this so far!
I just wanted to ask, do you need help with anything? Programming-related or perhaps searching for sounds?

I actually was using that one, problem is when i go into the list of compilers under project/build options there is no mingw compiler, though theres about 10-20 others, with no idea which one im actually suppose to use in compiling it.
Thats likely my main issue, still i look forward to the day this gets integrated into the core game vulkans is doing a damn fine job, hats off to you mate.

Its been quite awile since we have heard anything on this project, i was going to wait till it had been a month since last dev post to bump this but if worse comes to worse he is forced to put this aside for RL or whatever other reason, i dont suppose anyone else out there has the skills/interest to continue this fine work, its something i personally think CDDA dearly needs and id hate to see it get abandoned.

Damn, this is indeed problematic for my sound purposes.
Anyone knows what happened to him? I hope he is alright

I’m guessing the sound setting in options in the latest experimental build isn’t related to this?

Only vaguely, that is a proof of concept that plays sound on demand and just has a few places where it tests it, this is a big set of infrastructure and content building on top of that.

Aye it seemed like he was having issues with the current built in sound system and had to use some third party program to handle multiple audio samples playing/stopping at the same time, makes me wonder how hard this project would be for someone to continue, really wish i had the skills for it, sadly i even failed at something as simple as compiling this version of the game, so ya, i suck XD

Are you compiling with linux, SilverDragon? I was having a hard time finding what I needed to apt-get to compile with SOUND=1, what with the new vorbis stuff.

But I got it! You’ve gotta:

And you can’t just cut and paste from Vulkans’ repo, either. It gives a ton of errors. You have to just cut and paste everything in the sounds folder.

Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but if you’re using Windows, can’t you just copy the sounds folder in Vulkans’ repo to your sounds folder, with the latest experimental?

I got sounds to work with what you said for windows Chezzo, I only replaced my “Sound” folder with vulkans sound folder on

but to keep it from crashing I had to change the file extension of “soundset.old” to “soundset.json”
and had to fix “menu_move” sound effect because it had the wrong path.

{ "id" : "menu_move", "volume" : 100, "file" : "menu/menu_selection_click1.ogg" },

changed to

{ "id" : "menu_move", "volume" : 100, "file" : "menu/nenadsimic_menu_selection_click.wav" },

this stopped it from crashing on startup and allowed me to play the game with some sounds ,but the file on github didn’t include all the sound effects that vulkan had in the YouTube video. I don’t think he has released the new sounds on GitHub yet but I would love to know when we will get them.

On a separate note I’ve tried to compile the mod using CB but failed due to the same error as AdonaiJr and idk how to fix that if anyone has any suggestions on what the problem is I’m pretty sure that a lot of us are stuck on this part when compiling.

I got it compiled in Linux!

What I did was I edited src/sounds.cpp like this:

case WEATHER_RAINY: play_ambient_variant_sound( "environment", "WEATHER_RAINY", get_heard_volume( g->u.pos() ), 8, 1000 ); break; case WEATHER_NULL: case WEATHER_THUNDER: case WEATHER_CLEAR: case WEATHER_SUNNY: case WEATHER_CLOUDY: case WEATHER_ACID_DRIZZLE: case WEATHER_ACID_RAIN: case NUM_WEATHER_TYPES: case WEATHER_LIGHTNING: play_ambient_variant_sound( "environment", "WEATHER_THUNDER", get_heard_volume( g->u.pos() ), 7, 1000 );

Which I think makes the thunder noise when it’s clear and sunny and such. You can put it above whatever one you want to.

And then I saved this file to /src:

And it works so far! No car noises though, which is a bummer. But weather, danger, and multiple sounds for things.

So I’ve fixed my previous error with compiling with the file you gave me but now it seems like the source items.cpp file is messed up. even trying to compile a clean build I run into multiple errors within the items file. I’m going to have to wait till they finish reorganizing the experimental build before I can rebuild it.

I do hope we get an update from the author soon I’d hate to see this project left unfinished, the work that that vulkan put into this is amazing I hope he keeps it up.

Na i was using codeblocks and windows, i followed a guide for it but still didn’t manage it, maby due to it being a bit out of date and missing detail in places :stuck_out_tongue:

I only got this game today, and after playing for 15 minutes I found this thread.

This is so incredible that:

A) I registered just to say how amazing it is
B) I stopped playing - this sound is so good I can’t imagine continuing until it’s done or someone else does it