Add Bandits

Remove the ATTACKMON flag. Factions do the same thing and your monsters won’t attack their allies without the flag.

That worked perfectly. It’s also where the quirk Karl_Keimov highlighted must come from as they were also tagged as “LEATHER” which I fixed. It would of meant alot of troubleshooting referencing the documentation in so you saved me alot of time. Thank you.

Do you happen to know if there’s any way to make monsters like these bandits pick up certain things they find? I was going to see if I could get them to actually break into buildings and loot stuff into their inventory a set amount. And also time the weaker versions to only appear for a set amount of time. Maybe also make it so zombies that kill them will feast noisily on their corpses for awhile and ignore distractions from a certain distance whilst they do. I can’t think of any examples of monsters as opposed to NPC humans doing stuff like this though, so maybe that’s a bit too ambitious right now.

There’s nothing obvious in monattack.cpp for picking up generic items, though I thought acidia had been working on something like that.

This mod is just great! It really changes the way you play the game, getting a gun is now one of my highest priorities, the bandits just never miss! They may be a bit too tough, I’m currently using a group of them who seem hell bent on travelling east. They murder everything in their path and I come along behind and smash the corpses and gather the loot. I just hope they don’t decide to change directions suddenly lol.

As a stopgap for picking up items you could use the item dissolving power of the shoggoths/amoebas to have them “pick up” anything they walk over, just you wouldn’t get it back if you killed them and there’s no way to get them to actively target items.

I cant run the mod on android…how to run it? It crash every time im generating map

When I try to use the mod, I get the following error:

DEBUG : Error: data/mods//ADD_BANDITS v0.10/bandit_mod//gov_bandits.json: line 675:13: invalid color name

"default_faction": "bandit",

10 “size”:“MEDIUM”,
10 “material”:“flesh”,

FUNCTION : bool main_menu::new_character_tab()
FILE : src/main_menu.cpp
LINE : 796

Asked the Discord what could be done about it, and it seems that the answer is to just try and change the color to a different valid color. This is fairly easy to do. Open up the gov_bandits.json, change line 675 to a different color like red. Tada, done.