6b77ff4 - Nerf to night vision makes no sense

First of all, the new changes to lighting is cool as hell, what with the shading and all. I dig it.

But I just gulped down a mutagen flask earlier and got my Night Vision bumped to Full Night Vision, which is awesome, but apparently even full night vision is insufficient for reading late at night. Tried toggling it on and off in the mutations menu, didn’t change anything.

No idea if this is intended or a bug. If it’s intended, then it kinda makes no sense, because having full night vision implies being able to see in the dark completely, like the description says, and that would mean being able to make out the letters in a book or do some crafting even when it’s pitch black.


Additional Info:
Version 6b77ff4 (experimental), Windows graphical

I could’ve sworn that even before the lighting rework, full night vision hadn’t let me read books.

That said, the lighting effects have been a tad hit-or-miss, so this may or may not get tweaked at some point. No idea.

Night vision (IRL) is fundamentally different from daytime vision in that it prioritizes making full use of limited light rather than providing high detail vision and there are a limited number of light receptor cells you can fit in an eye, so nighttime vision ends up lacking detail.
In other words, TANSTAAFL.
If anything it’s the descriptions that will change.

…I forgot about that, actually. >.<

While we are on that subject, is the night vision cbm full night vision? If not it should be, makes it useless otherwise.

I do ponder whether a night vision derived from mutation could logically retain a level of detail allowing for this, but it likely would have to work via a method quite different from most biological methods of low-light vision.

If we did, one assumes it would require severe light-sensitivity to balance it against other night vision mutations that lack this advantage but otherwise have no drawbacks.

On a related note, am I seriously going to have to be the one to report the regular issue of night vision in general interacting weirdly with buildings?

Only thing I’ve noticed is that I can’t read by a lightstrip anymore. You used to be able to, but now it’s kind of dim and slow going.

In any case, finally got around to reporting unrelated night vision lunacy. https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/issues/13786

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:3, topic:10705”]Night vision (IRL) is fundamentally different from daytime vision in that it prioritizes making full use of limited light rather than providing high detail vision and there are a limited number of light receptor cells you can fit in an eye, so nighttime vision ends up lacking detail.
In other words, TANSTAAFL.
If anything it’s the descriptions that will change.[/quote]

Thanks for the explanation!
Does the same thing apply for the Fey Night vision mutation?

To be honest the only real use I’ve found for innate night vision in the past is the ability to read and craft in darkness. Now that that’s no longer possible, it’s a little “meh”.

Guess it’s back to looking for that ever elusive atomic nightlight for me.