40mm grenade Recipe

Just stick a hole in the wadding so the fuse can poke through and the ignited proppelent will light the fuse. People have developed propane measureurs for potato guns check www. Advancedspuds.com

I should also add that in that case, fuze ignition of the payload is far from guaranteed. It would be simpler to stick the fuze from the front and light it just before you fire.

Realism would go out the window once shotguns started hitting lots of targets, though. They simply do not spread that much.

A 40mm buckshot round from a very short barrel would possibly be more reasonable for a “hit everything in front of you” effect. Although I’m still not sure how well that would work. I do seem to recall hearing that an M203 firing a beehive or shot round would basically create a cone of death.

Fuse? Why are you using a fuse? A decent potato cannon uses a spark igniter unit. You just press a button and BOOM. They’re the devices used to light bunsen burners.

To reload you just stick the next round down the pipe, unscrew a cap, squirt hairspray (or something else) into there, screw it up quickly.

Yea, I read up on the buckshot thing specifically, and it seems that it really doesn’t have all that much spread per shot, have to look into whether grenade launchers are any different, but I strongly suspect they aren’t.

The thing to realise is that the shot has very little sideways pressure acting on it, once it leaves the barrel it lazily spreads out, but the spread only reaches a few feet at most out at max effective range, which for our purposes still means a single tile, so hitting two enemies standing next to each other relative to the player is out. Imagine picking up a handful of gravel and throwing it (not “slinging”, throw the wad of gravel like a baseball), this is more or less how shot moves, it flies through the air in a little cloud, which means it covers like 10x more area than a bullet, but still not all that much.

One possibility is for a single shot group to graze several targets in a row, though a direct hit would still end up absorbing all the shot. Also shot should probably have an enhanced chance of hitting a target when “passing through” a square with a potential target.

RE: fuze, people are talking about the projectile having a fuse, not the gun.

AH. Exploding projectiles. I see. I wonder if we could put fireworks into the game. Those could work as a weaker DIY rocket launcher if used with a pipe.

Or maybe just use rounds that explode on impact like the explosive shotgun slugs.

Putting something like Potassium Chlorate on the end of the projectile would make it have that effect. It’s the stuff used in the earlier types of percussion cap.

Fireworks are in.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:20, topic:2714”]I agree with:


Is a completely absurd statement. Everything about a spud gun, from materials to assembly to inconsistent propelant charge to the loading procedure contribute to a very real risk of major failure, particularly if used over a long time. Now with a potato projectile, major failure might not be all that major, but if you’re relying on it to get a pipe bomb far enough away from you before detonation, EVERY failure becomes life-threatening.

Having said that, I’d be far more concerned about the pipe bomb ignition system than anything else.[/quote]

Once again, not as much as you might think. The reason you use wadding is that, on top of providing an airtight seal, it is also a built in safety. The design is very similar to that of a medieval hand cannon, just with a aerosol charge and a slightly heavier projectile. Also, the projectile is not a contact explosive, but a fuse one. If the cannon misfires, lick your fingers and snuff out the slowly burning fuse.

Also, older firearms were tested with a test charge that was many times the amount used for firing in order to ensure integrity. A simple design is surprisingly robust with only a small chance of failure which would generally be caused by you putting in too much wadding or hammering it down way too hard (if you do the latter, humanity is better off with you not existing).

However, that is not to say you should make this in your backyard. People tend to freak out when you fire a cannon next door.

[quote=“Iosyn, post:12, topic:2714”]the GMG uses a different caliber of 40mm nade. Apparently a higher velocity one.
The nades used in such like the M203 underslung launcher are something like 40x40ish, the GMG uses a 40x53~ish? nade.[/quote]Yes, there are, in fact, two varieties of 40mm grenades–the “normal” ones, and the high-velocity type.

The normal grenades (e.g. those fired out of an M203 grenade launcher) are 40x46mm, low-velocity rounds. High-velocity grenades are 40x53mm, so yes, Iosyn, you were correct on that guess.

The Wikipedia writeup does specifically state that 40x46mm and 40x53mm grenades are not interchangeable. I would imagine a 40x53mm grenade fired out of an M79 grenade launcher having the same effect as firing .357 Magnum out of a .38 Special firearm–i.e., disastrous.

But then I don’t see why you couldn’t shoot a 40*46mm out of a M19 GMG.

BTW, in game you can shoot a 10mm auto out of a .40 handgun, which seems like an oversight.

I think I heard somewhere that you can. I’m not sure though. Maybe you’d need to add an extra part to compensate for the round being shorter.

[quote=“BadSniper, post:28, topic:2714”][quote=“Iosyn, post:12, topic:2714”]the GMG uses a different caliber of 40mm nade. Apparently a higher velocity one.
The nades used in such like the M203 underslung launcher are something like 40x40ish, the GMG uses a 40x53~ish? nade.[/quote]Yes, there are, in fact, two varieties of 40mm grenades–the “normal” ones, and the high-velocity type.

The normal grenades (e.g. those fired out of an M203 grenade launcher) are 40x46mm, low-velocity rounds. High-velocity grenades are 40x53mm, so yes, Iosyn, you were correct on that guess.

The Wikipedia writeup does specifically state that 40x46mm and 40x53mm grenades are not interchangeable. I would imagine a 40x53mm grenade fired out of an M79 grenade launcher having the same effect as firing .357 Magnum out of a .38 Special firearm–i.e., disastrous.[/quote]

Yes, and apparently the recoil is huge and could damage your arm.