40mm grenade Recipe

It always bothered me that I can reload any type of ammo except 40mm grenades. I’m considering adding a recipe for it. Any thoughts on what it should require?

Tin/Alu can or Canister
1x Scrap Metal
About 150~200x Gunpowder

Some kind of fuse/primer.

Alternatively, 100x gunpowder, 200x~ Gas for an incendiary round.

Well, thereabouts. Not sure what you’d use for a primer though.

Considering that it’s a type of grenade that needs to be propelled by a launcher I don’t think just a tin can or any other scavenged item would be enough, as it requires to be the exact size and shape. Basically so it doesn’t give your face a new look when it gets stuck after pulling the trigger.

Following the rest of the current ammo crafting it should need an appropriate casing, corresponding primer, gunpowder and lead, although their composition seems a bit more complex than that of a simple bullet. Also, I don’t remember seeing 40mm casings after you fire, so they should be added.

Due to the rarity of this type of explosive you probably shouldn’t be able to find the casings laying around in a couple hundred pack box in some random house. You should reuse all the casings left from the grenades you fire. Maybe in an army ammo depot, if they were implemented (but then, you’d find there 40mm grenades proper, so it wouldn’t be needed), or a factory of explosives. Supposedly, you could also try your luck in gunstores, but they should be very rare.

Stuff about these adorable explosive things:
Wikipedia entry on 40mm grenades.
Buy your own boom potatoes (if you’re a cop or army, that’s it): http://www.bhigear.com/12ga37mmand40mmmunitions.aspx
People trying to get some (and being let down by the internets): http://www.arizonashooting.com/v3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=133269

Maybe a best approach would be to modify the craftable tube 40mm launcher, so it allows the use of homemade grenades, as described by Yosin Iosyn.

Agree on requiring a casing for reloads, should probably have them drop for ambiance anyway.
40mm grenades are significantly more complex than a regular firearm round, they should have the highest difficulty to reload of any ammo we currrently have, and would likely require special tools. No matter how adaptable your consumer bullet puller or press is, it’s not set up to handle 40mm rounds :confused:

Double barrel grenade launcher, yayy! Anyway shouldn’t this be in the drawing board thread?

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:4, topic:2714”]Agree on requiring a casing for reloads, should probably have them drop for ambiance anyway.
40mm grenades are significantly more complex than a regular firearm round, they should have the highest difficulty to reload of any ammo we currrently have, and would likely require special tools. No matter how adaptable your consumer bullet puller or press is, it’s not set up to handle 40mm rounds :/[/quote]

40mm casings already drop, or else the 40mm acid bomb craft would not work.

(How exactly that particular craft does work is a bit of a mystery at present.)

Yeah, it’s weird as it doesn’t contain any propellent charge.

Considering that it’s a type of grenade that needs to be propelled by a launcher I don’t think just a tin can or any other scavenged item would be enough, as it requires to be the exact size and shape. Basically so it doesn’t give your face a new look when it gets stuck after pulling the trigger.

Following the rest of the current ammo crafting it should need an appropriate casing, corresponding primer, gunpowder and lead, although their composition seems a bit more complex than that of a simple bullet. Also, I don’t remember seeing 40mm casings after you fire, so they should be added.

Due to the rarity of this type of explosive you probably shouldn’t be able to find the casings laying around in a couple hundred pack box in some random house. You should reuse all the casings left from the grenades you fire. Maybe in an army ammo depot, if they were implemented (but then, you’d find there 40mm grenades proper, so it wouldn’t be needed), or a factory of explosives. Supposedly, you could also try your luck in gunstores, but they should be very rare.

Stuff about these adorable explosive things:
Wikipedia entry on 40mm grenades.
Buy your own boom potatoes (if you’re a cop or army, that’s it): http://www.bhigear.com/12ga37mmand40mmmunitions.aspx
People trying to get some (and being let down by the internets): http://www.arizonashooting.com/v3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=133269

Maybe a best approach would be to modify the craftable tube 40mm launcher, so it allows the use of homemade grenades, as described by Yosin Iosyn.[/spoiler][/quote]
Yeah, originally I was thinking of 40mm nade casings, but I’ve not used grenade launchers so far. I was originally thinking along the lines of most of the gunpowder being propellant, or better yet having a recipe for a suitable propellant compound but I think that might be stretching things a bit.

Also as Funsize said, craftable grenade launcher would be fun. Better yet, a craftable grenade pistol. Pretty sure that wouldn’t be so hard to make.

There is already a craftable 40mm launcher, the 'tube 40mm launcher.


MK19 Grenade Machine Gun would be a nice addition to the game…

Yeah, but the GMG uses a different caliber of 40mm nade. Apparently a higher velocity one.
The nades used in such like the M203 underslung launcher are something like 40x40ish, the GMG uses a 40x53~ish? nade.

That is correct. But would adding another grenade type be that difficult? I think it’s mostly just a different propellant charge, anyway, so you could just give the GMG a range modifier and cheat by keeping the actual ammo the same.

Could be wrong but I think a standard 40mm round works in a GMG, but not the other way around since the recoil is too much if you, for example, fire it from an M203. It would injure you.

Either way what I’d love to see is a way to use a grenade launcher as a flak cannon so you can blast away a swarm of undead without blowing yourself up with an explosion.

40mm buckshot or flechettes might fulfil this role.

You could make a makeshift launchable grenade by using a potato cannon to fire said grenade.

Create a half sized pipebomb, add a rag for wadding, fill your potato cannon up with hair spray (it is a crazy gnarly explosive for how common it is), and fire at will. It would require its own, special, launcher, but should be roughly as effective, albeit with a slightly shorter range.

You could do this rather easily in real life, and the pipbomb’s fuse would even be ignited on launch. It would be rather easy to make an on contact napalm-ish grenade as well using flour and a few other ingredients, but I’d rather only share that in pm if you want

Wouldn’t it risk blowing up in your face?

Possible, yes.

Maybe make it a risk for crafting it badly?

Just imagine though, you could make a multi barreled version of the potato cannon and load it with those metal chunks you find everywhere.

Judging by how an actual potato can pierce the bodywork of a car when fired from one, I think the metal projectile version would be devastating.

Not as much as you might think. The first shot would be the only one with a major risk of weapon destruction or user harm, but, as long as the weapon is inspected properly, it should perform within the same risk of a conventional firearm.

stumbled across 2 M203 launchers and a holy shitload of 40mm nades yesterday and yes, they do leave 40mm canisters. <3

Holy fuck. ‘you barely miss!’
‘you hear an explosion!’
‘Zombie hulk dies!’

HNNNNNNNGGGGG. That’s friggin’ beautiful. GTFO out of my public works. kinda suprised I didn’t decapitate myself with the shrapnel.

I’d love to see buckshot that doesn’t just hit one target and actually works as a street sweeper. Shotguns might have more of a use then-- and flechette rounds would be bloody awesome, to say the least.

Homemade explosives blowing up in your face? Never!

When my dad was young he and a few of his friends apparently made some kind of mortar, with exploding shells, out of pipes, with fertilizer and diesel/sugar/something else as explosive. Then two of them would row out to a little island, and the other two would remain on land, with the mortar, and try to hit the guys on the island. My childhood was fairly sheltered in comparison…

I agree with:


Is a completely absurd statement. Everything about a spud gun, from materials to assembly to inconsistent propelant charge to the loading procedure contribute to a very real risk of major failure, particularly if used over a long time. Now with a potato projectile, major failure might not be all that major, but if you’re relying on it to get a pipe bomb far enough away from you before detonation, EVERY failure becomes life-threatening.

Having said that, I’d be far more concerned about the pipe bomb ignition system than anything else.