Could you host your stuff on github so it’s easier to review?
I’m concerned Github could block me because of copyright.
Also, I encourage you to use the new compositing tileset format, described in docs/ . It’s easier to handle and update.
Yeah, I plan to do that (once I wrap my head around those scripts etc), just wanted people to know the tileset is not abandoned.
so your tileset will never be distributed as part of CDDA and you are quite possibly violating several people’s copyrights by redistributing images that they did not license for redistribution.
Yes, I know, but everyone could download the tileset from here. I actually plan to revise the tileset and clean it up.
Works fine for me. I can either clone the directory directly with git clone or download the zipped file.
Huh. Which mod does the high-frequency blade come from, then? I thought for sure it was one of those two. Keep up the good work, man. Good to have you back.
edit: HF blade is from Vermilion. Silly me. Adding a “looks_like” “katana” made things a bit nicer. Now to figure out how to make it Ninjutsu-compatible.