Windchill is positively ridiculous

Windchill on vehicles is extremely egregious right now. Traveling at 9 mph on a motorcycle will change 31 degrees to feeling like -317 degrees. Experimental 2217.

Merged the fix an hour ago or so. Update, please.

How about fixing the rest of it? I got a warmer climate when I tried starting in winter, than when I normally start in spring.

keep in mind that the end of autumn / start of winter is nomally warmer than the end of winter / start of spring.


So on the second of spring where it is 24 degrees and snowing and I am in a closed building with no windows, I am seeing strangely cold temperatures.

It’s well below freezing and you have no warmth on your face, of course you’re cold.

Then I must be misunderstanding these numbers. What is the -52 supposed to mean? If there shouldn’t be any wind to speak of and it’s 24F according to the game on the right bar there, I don’t understand where this number is coming from.

Then I must be misunderstanding these numbers. What is the -52 supposed to mean? If there shouldn’t be any wind to speak of and it’s 24F according to the game on the right bar there, I don’t understand where this number is coming from.[/quote]

I asked Shoes to document that. Guess documentation didn’t happen. >_<

That -52, along with the other numbers in that column, is on an arbitrary-unit scale: -100 through 100. The extremes are potentially-lethal temp problems, and 0 is OK comfort zone. Your mouth is completely exposed to 24F temp (six degrees below freezing) so it’s quite cold.