Whats Your Favorite And/Or Most fun Combat Style To Survive Cataclysm?

[quote=“Forrest, post:45, topic:6182”][quote=“KA101, post:44, topic:6182”][quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:31, topic:6182”]My favorite style?

Well… I like using bows and melee weapons. I like pistols aswell. My one of my longer chars that I’m playing right now is… Well just let me show you.

Just gonna throw out that the doubled-up pouches, packs, belts, etc are gonna get Nerfed as soon as we can get to it. Might wanna dial back a bit.

And I’m impressed at the lack of Ninjutsu. Box on.[/quote]
Nerfed as in less storage or more encumbrance?[/quote]

Pfft, you should of seen me when I go full raid mode and put on my light survivor suit and a few other things.

Bear? Not sure if I can tackle that shit even when clutching both hands on a sword - they ARE fucking tough.
Man/zombie is much easier, if I rip up a little bit i’d be more than able to bring down two or three of them by playing defensively.[/quote]

Please don’t take that personally, but I think you overestimate yourself a little bit. It’s indeed completly possible to wield a two-handed sword with one hand (as in RL, they are not giant meat cleavers like they are in movies/games, they’re just swords with a really long blade), their weight, and especially their size (as they can have a blade up to 170cm long) would prevent anyone from using them effectivly when one-handed.[/quote]
Eh, I won’t take it even seriously since you overestimate weight and unwieldiness of the zweihander-like sword. I know what I’m talking about, seriously. The whole point of fight with 1-handed BIG SWORD(claymore, zwei, bastard, flamberge, hell, even espadon) is to evade being hit and laying down one straight hit. Due to the mass of sword this hit placed basically anywhere wil either heavily cripple unarmored target or leave a big dent in armor and possibly cause a bone fracture depending on how it went. The problem here is that you can’t resort to two-handed grip fencing and blocking - however, it IS possible to block while 1-handing a big sword but that’s rather… unconventional and includes a lot of spinning and showing your back to enemy.[/quote]
I just can’t help but think that either you launch two big attacks from opposite directions, which means an exposed torso so they can just tackle you or feint and then tackle you. Fighting with one and waiting with the other or fighting with both but uncoordinatedly would just let someone with a lead pipe exploit your lack(excess?) of leverage, swat the swords to the ground, and step on them. If someone has a spear then your slower movements will pretty much doom you. The problem is not that they are too heavy to move, but that they have too much momentum and it is too difficult to control the far end. If you wield a two-handed sword in two hands, then you can apply more force into your sword than a single-handed weapon and thusly overpower one of your opponent’s hands. If you use two light weapons then you can attack more often and be more likely to be prepared to exploit an opportunity. Two large weapons is, basically, purely aggressive, if they can counter you at all then they pretty much win…

i never tried archery for now but i use pneumatic rifle this weapon is awesome ammo is ewerywhere alslo i have 9mm rifle what i use when in big danger sometimes in worst situations (horde in base) i use caselles pistol shotgun and flechete or explosiwe
for mele i use crowbar or trench knife
i do not use hand made armors but i think about bone armor because its light and good

for those who use weapons: where the hell you find ammo?

For anything but guns, ammo is free. There’s no shortage of scrap metal, 2x4s or plastic chunks (cut up wheels) so I can make hundreds of arrows for no meaningful resources. Similarly with bolts (even easier) or pebbles for the pneumatic rifle (easier still).

For guns, I find breaking into the armories in underground labs can give quite a lot of stuff. And remember to reload your brass.

I dress up in reinforced leather/cotton clothes for armor, as to not encumber myself too much.
For weapons, i really like swords and wood/fire axes - good cut damage and some nice bash damage.
For bigger enemies, i either get pistols that use magnum/rivtech ammo or an assault rifle.
Basically an agile melee fighter with a gun for emergencies. My playstyle sometimes changes, depending on the mutations and CBMs i get, but at the beginning, it always looks like this.
The first 3-5 days are hard though, but after that i am pretty much some War God’s Avatar, slashing everything that dares to oppose me.

Only quoting the last one but I’m responding to the entire bit.

From both personal experience and anecdotal evidence from friends who are members of the SCA and one man trained by a professional swordmaster as well as a blacksmith who forged his own two handed blades, I can tell you you do not “dual wield” two handed weapons. They can be used in one hand, yes, if you are willing to basically defeat the entire purpose of using a larger blade, and are equally willing to be less effective than someone wielding a more reasonably sized weapon in one hand (the advantage of a ‘hand and a half’ sword is versatility, at the cost of losing some measure of effectiveness in either). That said, if you believe you can dual wield a large two handed weapon, one in each hand, and fight a horde of monsters too stupid to be intimidated, I can accurately place your chances of doing so successfully somewhere between ghost and snowball in hell.

Dual wielding is not as simple as “pick up second weapon, be twice as good in a fight”. It’s a great deal more complex than that, and it completely changes your combat stance, balancing, positioning, attack options, defensive options, and effective range. You also have to develop an entirely different set of skills than you need for wielding a single blade or hammer, and god help you if your weapons are mismatched or not built with balance in mind. There is a reason that most instances of dual-wielding a person sees depictions of involve shorter blades, and that is because they are smaller and significantly easier to control, and thus there are fewer ways to screw up with overextension.

I cannot honestly say I have the experience of being an eight foot tall freakishly strong monster, as I saw mentioned earlier, attempting to do these things. Perhaps it would be easier. But I have a sneaking suspicion that as the average sword is built to be used by a human range of wielders, an oversized person trying to make up for a lack of balance with extreme strength is probably better off picking up a different weapon entirely, presumably one either sized properly for him or lacking in the “ergonomically designed for normal human hands” department. I’m imagining having your pinky finger slipping around the pommel of a blade mid-swing because your hands are too big for the hilt would be a good way to hurt yourself or throw off your swing.

In short, it’s theoretically possible, but horrifically impractical. And even making it possible or wanting it to be is enough of a corner case that I can’t see code needing to be devoted to the possibility in the first place.

Note, I’m not saying you’re an idiot for suggesting it. Just suggesting that it might be wise to remember that combat styles developed centuries ago and refined for hundreds of years by people who saw actual combat most of their lives are generally remarkably effective. The further you deviate from the “tried and true”, the less likely your chances of success become unless you have had some incredible insight unconsidered by those that came before you. If you have that incredible insight, you can do something new and amazing. Without that insight, you’re retreading ground dismissed as unusable by people with infinitely more experience than you probably have, quite possibly for reasons that you lack the experience to have understood or considered beforehand.

In that light, I submit that “I’m really strong so it should work” is not a heretofore unheard of insight.

Fixed. 15 Combat knives are useful, but take up way too much inventory :stuck_out_tongue: My 15 (now 18, just found three more) throwing knives only take 3 volume in my inventory.

Also, OMG. I just thought more about the electromagnetic CBM I ignored in the lab I raided, and promptly went back for it. Next step, wander into the middle of a Zombie hoard. Rain blades in a circle of death around me. As soon as I’m out of ammo, I’ll activate the magnets in my hands to return my knives to me, and repeat!


Katana, leather + plate armor, pipe shotgun, done. This is all you’re going to need if you can hand-make the ammo for the pipe shotty, and you have a repair kit for all that.

Basically I use the sacred technique of the [press direction enemy is in 3 times] and it kills quite a few things. The plate armor protects against tough, nasty beasties like bears and zombie brutes - a little damage may slip against mi-go’s and such. But I grabbed some hydraulic muscles (which gives you +10 STR for a bit) and with a melee skill of 12, cutting weapons 10 the katana just become insane with damage around 70 or so.

Zombie apocalypse… piece o’ piss mate! [size=6pt][IM JOKING IF IT WAS IRL I WOULD DIE ON DAY ONE][/size]

Vehicular zombieslaughter.