What's this:"you feel something straining deep inside you,yearning to be free"?

just drinked a mutagen,then there is a describing:
"you feel something straining deep inside you,yearning to be free"
what’s this mean?

Soon there’s going to mutations bruh.

You would have gotten a badass posthuman mutation, but your humanity/critter-ness asserted itself and prevented that from happening. IOW, you haven’t breached the proper threshold to get whatever the RNG was gonna call for.

get it. thanks ~

You’re pregnant.

…you are badass… but i like your imagination~

You’re becoming a big boy/girl! But you just aren’t quite there yet. Keep drinking/shooting up your mutagen and you’ll shed that boring hooman skin and grow into whatever superior life form you’re slowly shifting into. :smiley:

…I know you’ve already gotten an answer but I felt the need to post that.

You’ll be a woman soon.


keep chugging mutagen until when you sleep you get specific dreams related to what you are mutated as then start shooting up serums until you break the threshold and its smooth sailing from then on.

[quote=“shadowlight, post:1, topic:8384”]"you feel something straining deep inside you,yearning to be free"
what’s this mean?[/quote]
You have one of these

Question’s been answered, no need to post unlabeled links to unrelated stuff. Thanks.